Friday, December 11, 2015

The Light of the World

Years ago one December, Dick and I visited Williamsburg, VA during one of my singing engagements.  Williamsburg is a beautiful city, with rich colonial history dating back to the late 1600s and was the capital of Virginia during the 1700s.  Our interest in the area of Williamsburg and Jamestown, VA (the first English settlement) centers around the amazing historical fact that the Weisiger family documents Pocahontas, the Indian maiden, in the Weisiger genealogy!

On our visit to Williamsburg that December, I remember being entranced by the display of lighted candles in every window of the quaint homes. The small candles gave a warm glow throughout the city welcoming visitors during the Christmas season.  I was so enraptured with that quiet, gentle lighting that when we returned to our home in Wyckoff, NJ, I promptly bought individual candles for every window.  I have continued the tradition as we've moved about and still love the delicate effect the lighted candles have during the month of December.

LIGHT!  Yes, light has great meaning and the lighting of just one little candle makes us smile. Isn't it interesting that Jesus is referred to as 'the light of the world'.  How often we read in scripture about light.....John 1:9 - "The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world."  1 Timothy 6:16 - " (15 b " the King of kings and Lord of lords,) who alone has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has ever seen or can see.  To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen."  Acts 9:3-6 - "Now as he (Paul) journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him.  And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?' And he said, 'Who are you, Lord?' And he said, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; but rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.'"

I am reminded of that amazing experience on the night of May 26, 2010, when Jesus appeared to me in a vision filled with light...shafts of over-powering sunlight, interspersed with radiating colors of the that I knew the vision was Jesus!  His words to me that night told me I would be healed of lethal, aggressive, rare brain cancer...and I was healed!...defying all medical statistics.  Yes, the radiance, glow, brightness and warmth of light indicates the presence of Jesus.

One scripture passage I love are the beautiful first five verses of the Gospel of John.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.  In him was life, and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  John 1:1-5

Lately verse five has really reverberated in my brain...."The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  The past few weeks and months we have been alarmed by the horrendous, murderous acts of radical Islamic terrorists.  We are frightened, we are cautious, we feel helpless and we might even change travel or shopping plans. So when I repeat that verse 5, I am reminded of what it means. The 'darkness' is the enemy or Satan.  We live in a fallen, sinful world and that 'darkness' wants to smother us with fear.  But what is more powerful?  Light!  Light displaces darkness, light helps us 'see', light gives us protection, light makes us feel safe, light gives us warmth....and who is the source of that light?  JESUS!  "And the darkness has not overcome it" ......Jesus is more powerful than darkness!  What a blessed thought these days.

As I travel around our town after the sun has set and the night darkness rapidly encroaches, Christmas lights joyously shine on houses and outside displays.  Lighted candles gleam from windows, white twinkling lights dot trees and buildings.  The message is strong....It is Christmastime and the lights are shining.  We are reminded that we are celebrating the miracle of God's gift to our world...the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, in a humble stable in Bethlehem.  Jesus, the light of the world has come to remind us that God has not forgotten us and that He loves us with glorious intensity.

This week we attended several concerts and programs filled with the message of Christmas.  Singing the carols, viewing the re-enactment of the Christmas story complete with Mary, Joseph and the Babe plus the shepherds and the sheep, and the Wise Men bringing gifts.....candles lighting churches and worshippers holding lighted candles.....we are moved again by the presence of Almighty God who knows what we need this Christmas....His Presence!  We are thankful He is here.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory , glory as of the only Son from the Father." John 1:14

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Challenges give Opportunities

How amazing as I experience God working in my life to bless me, encourage me and heal me!  November 6, 2015 held a momentous event.  After not being able to drive since mid 2010, I PASSED the Michigan driver's test!  HALLELUJAH!

About a year ago my physiatrist at Mary Free Bed rehab facility said, "Janet, you should take the driver rehab course so you can safely drive again.  It will make you feel productive and independent." I remember thinking, "Sounds good, but, can I do it?"

So, in April, 2015 I took the initial evaluation at Mary Free Bed and was told that indeed I could be driver trained BUT I would need a special pedal for my left foot to accelerate and brake and a 'knob' steering device on the steering wheel.  These two devices would provide safe driving in spite of my right leg and arm weakness. I then decided to wait until September to enroll in the 4-6 week drive rehab program because we were scheduled to leave for our Canadian lake house the beginning of May.

In September I began the rehab program.  To my amazement my right foot and leg had significantly healed over the summer so that my driver instructor decided I did not need the special pedal for the left foot!  Another miracle! During the training sessions it was exciting to drive again as I maneuvered through aggressive, busy traffic in Grand Rapids.  How thankful I was that in years past I had driven countless times in Manhattan, New York City, battling aggressive taxi cabs and crazy driving during my singing career.

Since I could not use my right arm and hand, the knob on the steering wheel provided safe accurate turning around street corners...amazing!  I also began to realize driving was more mental than physical...thinking 'defensively', following 'rules' of the road, knowing where I was and where I was going. I began to think, "Yes, Janet, you CAN do this"!

The day of the test I started doubting.  "Janet, you have severe physical limitations."  "Janet, you have enough trouble just getting into a car...what makes you think you can drive?"  "Oh, just forget about driving...let Dick continue being your chauffeur and be dependent on others to give you a ride."  Yes, the enemy was discouraging me.  As I sat at the breakfast table, I opened my daily devotional and read Exodus 4:10-17.  My spirit leaped with joy!  The scripture spoke to me.

The Lord had called Moses to deliver the Jews from Egypt and how did Moses respond?  "Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.  I am slow of speech and tongue."  And what did the Lord say to Moses? "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."

Immediately I knew God was sending me a powerful message.  Janet, who gave you arms and legs? Who gave you a mind to think?  Janet, I am with you.  I will be in that car with you, helping you to move that right leg and foot on the accelerator and the brake.  I will guide your left hand on that steering wheel knob.  I will help you to remember all the rules of the road.  So, Janet, what are you worried about?

God was with me and I passed the Michigan driver's test.  The knob steering wheel is now installed and I'm on the road!

Thank you Lord for answering my need and thank you Lord for your continual presence as I face challenges in my life.  You have shown me again that my challenges are Your opportunities to display Your loving power in my life.  What an amazing God!

Saturday, October 31, 2015


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   Proverbs 3: 5-6

It is our human nature to want to control.  Whether it is our personal safety, our health, our careers, our family activities, our daily schedules, our future lives, our finances, our children's behaviors...we strive to control.  Or, as we so popularly state.."Don't lose control!"

Yes, we never want to admit 'losing control'.  In our human, self absorbed entities we passionately think we know what is best for ourselves.  We think we are clever enough, wise enough, and certainly able enough to control our own lives.  But isn't that the essence of self centered worship?

I know I constantly struggle with this concept and it makes me realize that is my basic sinful nature.  God reminds us to trust surrender to Him.  He repeatedly tells us to let Him control our lives because He knows what is best for us.  But I know I forget, I slip...and there I go again, thinking I should 'control'.

It is interesting that I discovered when I was at my weakest, most vulnerable state, it was then that I allowed God to be in total control.  I was dying, I was helpless, I was in deep physical distress unable to fight by my self.  That is when I had no choice.  I totally surrendered my entire physical body, my mind, my Jesus!  What did I discover?  Jesus knew what I needed.  He spoke to me, put His arms around me, took total control over my life and chose to miraculously heal me.

My cancer experience was a blessing!  My days of declaring self-sufficiency were over!  I totally depended on His presence and the blessings He sent my way!  During my most sickly days and nights I would silently call out to Him, "Here I am Lord!  I know You are with me.  My life and my heart are Yours!"  And His presence sustained me.  His presence promised me healing.  His presence assured me of eternal life.  He sent me blessings of a devoted husband and family, of friends who prayed and cared for me.  All during those ugly days of struggling with cancer He never left my side.

Now as I look back on the past 5 1/2 years since my CNS lymphoma diagnosis, I suddenly catch myself as I struggle with that dangerous tendency to control.  My MRIs and blood work show no cancer, my mind is clear, my memory accurate...and here I am wanting to control my life again.  And even worse, wanting to control the lives of others around me.  All this makes me fully aware of my own sinful nature.  Sin is part of me, lies submerged, but rears its ugly head at an opportune time!

Now I realize how vitally important are my prayers.  Those petitions, those confessions, those thankful praises that I picture rising to the throne of God like sweet incense and placed in containers of priceless gold constitute my precious communication with the Lord Almighty.  My conversations with my Lord tighten the relationship.  He hears and I listen. I ask and He decides. I await and He solves. I confess and He forgives.  I give all to Him and He controls. Those messages and those moments strongly remind me that I am nothing without my God.  He is in control of my life and may I never forget!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

All in this life is temporary!

All in this life is temporary!  Wow!  When I heard that statement from a visiting pastor last week it really gave me pause to think.  He's right, I realized.  As I looked back on my 79 years of life, thoughts ran through my mind.  Remembering my childhood years, then pre-teen, then rapidly teen, then the 20s, the 30s, 40s and on and on.  Each phase of my life was temporary as my physical body swiftly changed, my mental capacities grew and changed, parents died, friends came and left, geographical changes occurred as we moved, even cultural changes happen that continue to effect my faith .  Truly, nothing in this physical world stays the same from one year to the next.  Everything in this earthly life is temporary.

Lately I have become more aware of the intense grief and pain facing someone losing a spouse, especially after many years of marriage.  The man or woman is left alone...rarely do both die at the same time.  Yes, those years of living together as man and wife come to an abrupt end.  Truly, a marriage relationship ends up being 'temporary'. In fact, any death of a loved one, whether spouse, child, sibling or parent makes one realize the temporary existence and relationship of that loved one. They are gone from our physical life forever.

But, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I know that is not the end of the story.  Our first baby, a girl, was suddenly stillborn in 1961. The delivery room staff (I heard them say "She is beautiful!") did not let me see her or hold her......the theory at that time denied life before birth and thought I would 'forget' her.  Since scripture tells me she is now with Jesus, I will see her and hug her one day in Heaven. Yes, all things in this present physical world are temporary.

How do I know all this?  Because I have experienced the reality of the spiritual world during my cancer experience.  I know that Jesus is real!  I know because he appeared to me in that vision I had on May 26, 2010, six weeks before my diagnosis of brain cancer and told me I would be healed.  And I am healed!  The spiritual world is right here with us, yet our scientific, technical, physical minds ignore or deny that Jesus is here with us, that the Holy Spirit empowers us and that God oversees everything.  When we read in the Bible about 'eternity' it is hard for our finite minds to grasp the meaning.  Eternity is forever and ever and ever.  Does anyone live on this earth in a physical body forever and ever?  No.

Therefore, I rejoice that my temporary physical life on this planet earth will come to an end.....a life of great joy, accomplishments and happiness but also with a large amount of emotional pain, recent physical challenges, frustration and grief.  Yes my earthly life is only temporary because at my graduation into heaven, I will experience an even more joyful existence....a life in eternity forever and ever, without tears, pain and sorrow because I will be with  Jesus.  I love that verse in John 14:6 when Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but through Me."  Yes, His way is for our good, His truth is reality and His life proved victory over death. Only through believing and surrendering to Jesus are we guaranteed eternity in Heaven.  How simple a decision! And what a promise! What security!

At this point in time, we are staying in Canada about four months.  Yes, only temporarily!  We leave here to return to Holland, MI on Saturday, September 12.  It has been a beautiful summer with friends, family and wildlife.  We finally saw a big black bear (probably about 400 pounds) several weeks ago about 2 miles from our house. We knew the bears were around but had never seen one.  Now we can add 'bear' to our list of wildlife including porcupine, mink, otter, fisher, wolf/coyote, deer, loon, heron, eagle and on and on! We plan to return to our beloved lake house next May, 2016, in time for planting flowers.  But all in this life is temporary and God in His wisdom is in control.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Revival is needed!

This summer on our beloved Sand Lake here in Ontario has been wonderful!  The weather, for the most, has been warm and sunny with enough rain to keep my flowers blooming.  The wild flowers in the fields and on the roadsides have been non-stop, yellow, orange, blue, white.  Made me think of the early settlers who had not planted gardens but were treated to God's amazing gift of natural flowers.  How they must have enjoyed all that color as they walked along the country roads.

I thank the Lord that I have increased energy, more healing in my arm and leg so that I can accomplish household chores like cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming as well as cooking meals and baking yummy desserts.

We've had lots of company...friends from Michigan, New Jersey and locally as well as family (21 here the last week of June - Whew!)  Our grandkids continue to delight and impress us as they range in age from senior in college to second grade!

One project this summer has been sifting and sorting through 'stuff' accumulated over the past 25 years since Dick's retirement!  It's unbelievable how much we save!  As I sifted, I came across an article I had written in September, 2001 which was published in the Canadian papers -Kingston Whig Standard, Brockville Recorder/Times and Westport Review/Mirror.  I share it today with you........

                              Thank you Canada for being a neighbour and friend
     September 11, 2001, a day when the world changed.  A day when we all watched with horror as evil invaded our lives.  A day when our minds could not begin to comprehend the reality unfolding on our television screens.  A day when unspeakable horror pierced not only the lives of thousands from New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C. and Virginia, but also friends and family from every state across America and every country around the world.
     I am an American living on the Rideau Waterway of Canada. As I watched the Day of Remembrance Service from the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., I saw in a corner of my screen the service held at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
     I saw thousands of Canadians weeping for America. I saw our neighbour and friend, the country of Canada, grieving with the United States in our darkest hour.
     Thank you Canada!  Thank you for crying tears with us.  Thank you for feeling our pain.
     Thank you, Canada!  Thank you for always providing a place of retreat as thousands of Americans enjoy your beautiful lakes, rivers and mountains.
     Thank you, Canada!  Thank you for giving us a place of refuge. Your embassy provided a safe haven during the Iranian crisis. Last week your airports harboured our citizens by giving safe landing for our commercial aircraft.
     Yes, thank you, Canada for your quiet, supportive presence.  Thank you for the billboard messages in Brockville, "God Bless America!" "Remember to pray for our U.S. friends!" Thank you for your flags at half mast.
     Our town in New Jersey views the great skyline of New York City. We have lost personal friends in this tragedy. But we have also heard miraculous stories of unbelievable deliverance. The news of over 5,000 deaths is staggering, yet we know through personal contacts with our friends that the death toll could have been upwards of 50,000.
     God is love and love is greater than hate. The fact that thousands ran out of the Twin Towers proves that God was working even in the midst of evil.
     We are now hearing of hatred and suspicion shown to our Muslim neighbours. If we as Americans and Canadians display such hate, then we are no better than the evil terrorists. If love is greater than hate, we must show that love to every neighbour and friend, no matter what their appearance.
     Long ago the apostle John stated, "Little children. love one another."
     We are all children of God. Let us love one another. Through our tears, through our pain, let us hug one another. In our grief let us reach out to touch each other. Only then we will know the love of God.                                                                                               Janet Baird Weisiger   Elgin, Ontario

The anniversary of September 11 is only a month away.  How have we changed?  Is the world a safer place?  Is there peace and tranquility?  Do we trust other countries?  Is our nation in turmoil?

Remember how we reacted immediately after 9/11?  We flocked to our churches.  Attendance soared. We grieved and sought comfort. We were shocked and sought stability.  We were in fear and sought protection.  We were confused and sought leadership.  God was there to answer and God continues to be present with His abiding love.  But where are we now???  Are we ignoring Him? Are we complacently sitting in our comfort zones absorbing all the riches our culture has to give us?

Look at history.  People turn from God and judgment follows.  Time after time.  Ancient history had the Babylonian invasion, then the Roman conquest, and skipping to the 20th Century - the Holocaust. If only we would realize God wants us to turn to Him - rely on Him, trust Him, believe Him and praise Him.

That is why we need REVIVAL!  Scripture puts it so plainly in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Join with me in praying that God will revive our families, communities, nation and our hearts.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Aging seems to be a negative word.  Seniors deny it, ignore it, refuse to talk about it or laugh about it. But we all get older, we all age and the physical body deteriorates.  The problem is our minds want to do things, want to accomplish tasks that were easy when we were 30 or 40 years old but suddenly we discover the energy isn't there.

Aging is a challenge!  Of course, as I look back on my life I realize there were many 'challenging' episodes.  I remember 'aging' as being that unknown far future hazy time that would eventually happen but certainly would not be a negative.  When you are immersed in the busyness of working, family and social activities, you somehow hold on to the idea that life will always be that way.

I remember not too many years back, when Dick's parents hit their mid-eighties, that our doctor friend stated, "During the eighties the body rapidly starts to fall apart as the aging process manifests itself."  I remember thinking, "Oh, I'll have to remind myself of that when I turn 80."

Well, here we are...Dick turned 85 the end of December, 2014 and I turned 79 this April.  So, how do we handle aging?

First of all, I am thankful!  The Lord has healed me of a "rare, lethal, aggressive brain cancer". Instead of dying of CNS lymphoma in 2010, I continue to live a vibrant life. My life has been filled with extraordinary experiences... singing multiple evangelistic concerts across the US and beyond... four wonderful, healthy adult kids... twelve super grandchildren... a loving husband of 56 years... productive jobs...traveling...and on and on!  I am especially thankful that I've grown spiritually and know my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on an intimate the years flew by He has made Himself so very close to me.... I am humbled!

But all that does not negate the fact that I become frustrated and impatient with the changes in my physical body.  Of course my post cancer right-sided weakness is a powerful negative and compounding that problem with the general fatigue of aging leaves me with huge challenges! When I think of what I could normally accomplish in one day as a mother of four young children plus all the other multiple tasks and pleasures performed during one day without being 'tired', I am astonished with my 79 year old fatigue and realize with absolute certainty that I am 'slowing down'.

As we age we make a decision.  Do I choose to spend my latter years feeling sorry for myself, whining and crying for attention or do I keep a contented smile on my face and relish in the interpersonal relationships of friends and family around me?  Do I regret how I lived my life or do I celebrate those myriad memories?  Do I cling to my physical body or do I anticipate with wonder and joy my resurrected body in the presence of the Lord?

Why is it so hard to 'slow down'?  Why is it so hard to admit I am 'aging'?  I've concluded pride has a lot to do with it, but also the very obvious fact that our culture worships 'youth'.  Do we honor our senior citizens in our families, in our communities, in our nation or do we ignore seniors?  Do we rejoice in longevity or do we consider it an inconvenience?

Interesting assisted living facilities and new nursing homes are being built at a rapid pace to accommodate ever increasing numbers of seniors needing care.  A century ago most people died before they reached 50 years.  Also, grandmothers and grandfathers lived with their families as they grew older.  Now with the medications and health care available to all of us, we are all living longer. For some, that is a beautiful fact.  For others, it is a drawn out slow torture.

All these questions...all these human reflections...all these worries and fears.  Yet who is the One who will sustain us?  Who is the One who stands by our side, holds us in His arms and protects us?

Psalm 71:9-10 "Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails."

Psalm 91 starts with verses 1 and 2 -"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust'.  And ends with verses 14-16 which is the Lord's pledge to us believers. "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation".

Psalm 92:14 "They shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing".

The Lord is always with every challenging moment of our lives....whether we are young, middle-age or aging!  It is simple.  We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit with all our heart, totally surrendering our lives to Him and we will be cared for.... no matter what!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Loon Song

We returned to our lake house on Sand Lake, Rideau Waterway, Ontario on May 6.

Have you ever heard a 'loon song'?  It is a song unlike any other, a song that pulls at the depths of your soul, a song you will never forget.  It is the song of a unique waterfowl called the Common Loon who spends its springs, summers and autumns living on the northern  lakes of the US and the southern lakes of Canada.

An unusual bird, the loon has large bones which make it difficult to walk on shore.  They literally waddle or sliver only a few feet onto their nests.  We retired to Sand Lake back in 1991 after yearly vacationing there since 1969 and fell in love with the loons.  Here we are, back again on Sand Lake this year and listening to loons.  They are nesting now (end of May) so they are quieter.  We took a ride in our pontoon boat this morning and saw two loons swimming near the eastern point of our land which gives a hint they are nesting in our back bay.  Sure hope so, as it will be such fun to see the little loon chicks, soon after hatching, riding on their parents' backs.

Last week we had a treat.  A pair of Canada geese waddled up our hill from the beach with five newborn goslings in tow...adorable, light cream colored baby geese.  They are doing well because we saw them again this week swimming in the lake. Driving out our lane on Wednesday a young doe stood staring at us for a few moments before darting back into the woods.

All these encounters remind us of the beauty of God's creation!  That's why we enjoy our opportunity to spend time here at a northern lake and savor the quiet majesty of the gift of nature God has given us.  We sit on our screen porch and view the lake, clear blue in the bright sunlight with soft ripples from the light southern breeze.  Of course it is early in the season so we rarely see boats traveling the waterway....only maybe a local fishing boat hoping for a fresh catch of pike.  Bass season opens the end of June to protect the nesting time.  The pine trees that grow in abundance on our acreage are pushing forth buds, an insidious messy yellow pollen which covers the porch furniture now, resulting in cries for a washing.

The utter quiet of the natural surroundings is a joy.  In this age of technology we rarely experience total quiet in our lives so it is with breathless wonder that we can sit on the porch or in the house, with the windows and doors wide open, and hear the light breeze rustling in the birch, oak and maple trees.  Or hear the kingfisher gently flap his wings as he darts from the nest under our porch.

The screens on the doors and windows are a necessity this time of year.  On a warm day with little breeze, the mosquitoes are in abundance buzzing around in hopes of a tiny rich bloody snack.  However, there is a balance.  The dragonflies, recently hatched from their winter domain as a water nymph, dart silently in the sunshine, devouring every bug they encounter.  This time of year the clouds of dragonflies are swarming all over the open lawn and we cheer their presence.

At night there is a special treat.  We see millions of stars in the sky twinkling in wonder all the way down to the horizon.  In fact, on quiet nights, with no wind, the stars are reflected in the clear water! And of course, we have seen the wonder of northern lights, that awesome sight of colored shafts of purple, red and yellow beams waving upward in the northern night sky.

And the display of flowering bushes, trees and plants!  As you know, I am a flower lover, so one of my first priorities upon our arrival was to visit the local plant nursery and purchase the latest blooms. Thanks to my helper, Deborah, the containers and planters are filled with geraniums, lobelia, pansies, alyssum, petunias, begonias (in place of impatiens which is currently suffering from a blight), etc....all colorful additions to the backdrop of lilacs, rhododendron, roses, clematis, daisies, iris, lily of the valley, and other perennials.  We even hung two flowering baskets on the gazebo, first in five years, to prove my health has improved!

This year as I reflect on the troublesome and horrifying news in the Middle East and in our government, I am stunningly reminded of the absolute peace and beauty of the creation surrounding me.  It is a message loud and clear!  God is in control!  Man may continue to make wars and commit senseless atrocities but God has chosen to give us a gift...a reminder of what He originally planned for us...a place of utter beauty that continues even to this day.  When my day looks rough, when the daily news is about horror and bloodshed, I choose to listen to the loon...that wondrous bird with the unique song...and I remember my God who created me.  I live in a fallen world caused by sin but the Creation has not disappeared.  God gives us His daily reminder of His glory, His omnipotence, His love in His Creation!  To God be all the Praise!

"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.  For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters."   Psalm 24: 1-2 
"Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.  For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast."   Psalm 33: 8-9


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Thorn in the flesh

Have you ever had a 'thorn in the flesh'?  A weird question, weird terminology but, of course, I'm quoting Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 12:7.  This phrase was brought to my attention recently and, yes, it spoke to me!

We have no concrete idea what Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' actually was, though there are many opinions.  But what is absolutely relevant is that we all have, to some degree, 'a thorn in the flesh'.... some physical ailment or condition that prevents us from functioning 100% every minute, every day. We pray to the Lord to take it away, we pray for absolute total healing, but in most cases we have to deal with this annoyance, this imperfection in our lives for a very long time.

So it is with me.  The CNS lymphoma did cause right-sided weakness in my body.  Even though the cancer is gone, even though I feel healthy, I retain this reminder of the whole cancer experience.  I've pleaded with the Lord continually over the past five years to please make me 100% whole again so I can walk 3 miles a day like I did 5 years ago with the Holland Striders and on our hilly lane in Canada.  True, I have experienced gradual strengthening in my right leg, but I still need the cane or Dick's arm.  And I do have some limited use of my right hand and arm but I can't play the piano (yet!) or write (yet!).

Then last week when I studied Paul's words I began to receive an answer.  First of all the problem is pride!  As Paul shares in the following verses, we all have a problem of pride!

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

In all my years, prior to 2010, did I ever dream of being physically handicapped.  I prided myself in being physically active, able to accomplish heavy gardening, helping Dick with outside chores including logging, snow-blowing and enjoying winter sports including x- country skiing, ice skating and sledding.  When I looked on seniors struggling with canes and walkers, I remember thinking, "Thank goodness, that's not me!".

Yet here I am, facilitating my walking with a common black cane and struggling to open public doors with my left hand.  Yes, my pride is effected!  Here I am, a woman who always prides herself on 'looking right'....with hair just so, makeup applied, clothes updated...and yet I struggle to hang my right arm down in a 'normal' position.  Talk about pride!

Now Paul's words speak to me.  Essentially I realize that the Lord is made perfect in my weakness.  In fact, my physical condition opens up conversations!  When I fully began to comprehend my miraculous healing from cancer I cried out to the Lord, "Praise Your Name, you have healed me for a great purpose.  What do You want me to do, Lord?"  His answer continues to be "Tell them how much I love them!"

Therefore, whenever I get the chance I tell people my story.  Not that I am boasting about my healing but I tell people how real Jesus is and how much He loves every human being who has ever lived, is living and will live on this planet.  Sometimes it's just a few words, sometimes it's a long public presentation.  But when I speak, people see my right-sided weakness which proves I had a lethal, aggressive cancer. When I tell people I was given only 7 weeks to live back in July, 2010, they now see proof that Jesus miraculously cured me. And they listen!

Yes, I still pray the Lord will continue my healing process, yes, I still pray my right arm and leg will continue to I rest and delight in my weaknesses because I know that the Lord is working in me to accomplish His purposes.  "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Blood Red Moon

Did you see the lunar eclipse Saturday morning, April 4?  It was fabulous!  My internal clock woke me at 6:05 am just in time to look out into the crystal clear Michigan morning and watch the moon slowly but steadily change from a perfect full white moon to a gradual orange red sliver as it slid behind the trees on the western horizon at 7:15 am.  The event took one hour as the night sky steadily brightened with the rising of the full light of sun.  What an experience!  On the western side of our condo I witnessed the setting of the transformed moon while through the kitchen windows on the east side I caught the ever increasing brilliance of an April sunrise.  Not a cloud in the sky to neutralize this celestial wonder.

It made me remind myself, "Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth?  Who is in control of this world?  Who is ever present to love us, guide us and forgive us?"  And of course, my answer loud and clear, without hesitation...the Lord God!

In our busy lives as we are so engrossed in our selfish ambitions and our materialistic obsessions we too easily forget we are surrounded by this amazing beautiful creation that God gave us as a gift to enjoy!  Then when we witness such heavenly events that scientists could not possibly have constructed, we know there is a God!

The timing of this "Blood Moon" on April 4, as it is called, is rather interesting.  First of all it occurs on Passover, which coincides with Easter, and it happens to be one of four Blood Moons in one year!  I am fascinated about what I have discovered by reading about this phenomenon.  Because it seems to have incredible simultaneous timing with Jewish festivals and prophesy, Google it and you will discover amazing facts.

In light of the current events in the Middle East and Africa, we are all disturbed and perhaps somewhat fearful.  The world is in a constant struggle of wars and rumors of wars.  But hasn't that been true for thousands of years?  It seems more pronounced now since we have all the technology of news reporting available to us.  But the current situations in the world make us question..."Is something else going on???"  Of course, only God knows and He is in control!

This Easter has been such a blessing to me...hearing again the beautiful scripture passages declaring the resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Isn't it amazing that He appeared to hundreds of people in His resurrected body?  In a court of law, how many witnesses are required for proof?  Certainly hundreds are not required.  Yet, hundreds were witnesses of a resurrected body.  We know from the word of scripture that Jesus Christ is the only person in history who resurrected from the dead!  Imagine how we would have reacted if someone told us about a resurrected body. Thomas questioned Jesus. Thomas saw and felt with his hand the actual wounds in Jesus body, Thomas knew...knew... that this resurrected body was Jesus Himself!

Eight days later, his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them.  The doors were shut, but Jesus came and said, "Peace be with you."  Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing." Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"  Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."   John 20:26-29

As I've written so many times, my life has been dramatically changed as a result of my brain cancer experience.  Not only the miraculous healing from cancer, but the full knowledge and awareness of the 'spiritual world'!  Someone recently asked, "What is more important and long lasting....our physical bodies or our souls?"  The answer, of course, is ""Our souls".  Yet we ignore 'our souls' and in contrast, what do we spend our money, time and energy on?

This week I witnessed a celestial wonder and then heard news of unspeakable murder of Christians. Such chilling contrasts.  But Easter Sunday proclaimed the utterly miraculous victory over death...a jubilant assuring fact that each of us hold who have surrendered and believe in Jesus Christ.  The evils of this world will one day be vanquished.  God is in control and I trust Him.  Alleluia!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The sweet essence of prayer

Did you know that prayer has a scent?

I never knew that. But then I read in Revelation 5:8, "Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints". And again in 8:4, "And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand." 

Also, David knew the sweet smell of prayer.  Psalm 141:2  "Let my prayer be set before you as incense".

The Bible tells me prayer has a smell like incense and that God fully experiences those prayers and is aware of those prayers and pays attention to those prayers!  The whole idea that prayers are collected in golden bowls with simmering incense in the throne room of God has changed my prayer life! That means that my lowly, simple, heart-wrenching, ordinary grammar, tearful, insistent prayers -- actually rise to the throne of Almighty God!

I know I've read scripture about how important and vital prayer is, that prayers are heard, that prayers are answered.  And I daily pray.  But now when I pray, I actually picture in my mind those prayers winging their way to God's presence and nestling in incense that has a beautiful, overwhelming perfume.  How awesome!

My sense of smell has always been strong and I am thankful my ability to smell was not adversely effected during my bout with CNS lymphoma.  I love the aroma of fresh baked bread or bacon frying or soup simmering or pot roast cooking.  The refreshing smell of fresh cut grass in the summer or the sweetness of spring rain or the gorgeous smell of lilacs and other flowering shrubs.  And of course, I love the refreshing smell of freshly laundered sheets dried in the sunshine or the fresh scent of a room newly cleaned or the refreshing feeling following my daily shower.  Yes, smell is important and enjoyable.

Incense in the Old Testament tradition can be found in Exodus as it pertains to worship.  Exodus 30:34-36 "And the Lord said to Moses: 'Take sweet spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum and pure frankincense with these sweet spices; there shall be equal amounts of each.  You shall make of these an incense, a compound according to the art of the perfumer, salted, pure, and holy. And you shall beat some of it very fine, and put some of it before the Testimony in the tabernacle of meeting where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you.'"

I have no idea what 'stacte, onycha and galbanum' are but the Israelites were told to use those spices, plus frankincense, to make the incense that would simmer in the Temple and would please God.  I have burned candles in my home which burn with a sweet fragrance, so I can understand the pleasure of incense. So I now grasp the idea that my prayers are a pleasant aroma to the Lord God Almighty!

The verses in Revelation also tell me the prayers are collected in bowls of gold!  Again, I am humbled to think my simple prayer lays in a priceless bowl made of glittering gold.  That tells me my prayers are cherished by the great 'I AM', the all-powerful, omnipotent God!

Then when I realize all "the prayers of the saints" (by the way, saints means us, the believers) are lifted up, collected and immersed with incense, I finally get the message that prayer is lovely, aromatic, holy and cherished by God.

Prayer has become most meaningful to Dick and me as we know, without a doubt, that the prayers of hundreds of people throughout the world were lifted to the Lord and resulted in the Lord healing me from the "aggressive, lethal, rare cancer of the brain".  We have personally experienced God's miraculous intervention because He heard the "prayers of the saints".

Now, when someone says, "Please pray for me" or when I receive an email requesting prayer, I stop what I'm doing and pray with confidence, picturing my prayer rising to the throne of Heaven, settling into the bowl of priceless gold, mixing with sweet smelling herbs of incense, then entering into the very presence of the Holy of Holies, my loving God!

Praise the Lord!  My prayer life has changed and I am changed because the Bible has shown me a deepening awareness of my awesome God.

"Don't worry about anything; pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done."  Philippians 4:6

Saturday, February 14, 2015

To die or to live

During the past three weeks I have written three sympathy notes....that's one a week, and I can't help but think, is this a current trend in my life?  Yes, the statistics state, 'physical bodies deteriorate in the elder years' (meaning 70s and 80s), but I rationalize, these are my friends who are dying and we are still 'young at heart'.  This year I will turn 79.  I am in that age bracket of 'elder years'. My friends are dying.....when will it be my turn?

It is true.  Death is a fact of life.  We are born and we die.  Very simple.  It's guaranteed.  If we are born to life we will die to life.  But we don't like it.  We love our lives.  We do all in our power to prolong our lives.  We eat healthy foods, we maintain healthy life styles, we exercise, we think positively, we laugh, we invest our money for the future, we accumulate things to further enhance our station in life, we sign up for any advertised program that will keep us young, we buy medicines to activate our functioning bodies, we cloth ourselves in the latest youthful fashions and pour money into cosmetics and beauty enhancements. All this is beneficial but it does not negate the fact that we will God's timing.

Death is a negative word in our culture.  We whisper the word or we avoid speaking the word.  We say, "Oh yes, he 'passed' away this morning", as if 'passing' is gentler than 'dying'.  How many times do I read, "She passed after a courageous battle with cancer".  Now, as a cancer survivor, I personally know what it's like to battle cancer.  I suffered through 16 months of chemotherapy, struggling and determined to prolong my own life. Isn't it interesting.  As human beings we are inherently given this powerful urge to live,  even in the face of catastrophic physical challenges.  We fight to live.  We push to survive, never willfully wanting to give up.

But there does come a moment when, as some say, 'my time has come'.  Yes, each of us comes to that time.  So, the question is, am I ready?  Am I prepared?  Do I know what will happen?  I've never 'died' before, so what can I expect?  Death is a new experience and that can be scary.

This may sound strange but I am so glad I came so close to dying back in June and July, 2010.  I remember how I lay in that hospital bed and felt my body going through all these weird sensations. At times I experienced horrible nightmares.  I strongly believe Satan was causing those oppressive events as that evil force tried so hard to capture me.  Several of the oncology nurses who cared for me at Spectrum Hospital in Grand Rapids during my monthly visits for chemotherapy, commented on the struggles that non-Christian patients exhibited when dying.  Those patients that had no faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior died with terror in their eyes!  Unbelievers were filled with fear as they entered the spiritual world beyond life. Whereas those who proclaimed Christ as King died a peaceful, restful, triumphant entrance into the kingdom of Heaven.  These nurses individually related actual events that they had personally witnessed.

I remember being surprised that Satan would try so hard to capture me. After all, who was I? I wasn't famous, wealthy or powerful. So, during the nightmares, I kept wondering why Satan wanted me. But while this oppressive evil force hovered over me in a dark cloud and stretched out tentacles to pull me toward him, I experienced loving arms encircling me, holding me, protecting me and I instinctively knew the presence of Jesus was with me and would never let me be captured by Satan. Yes, in my weak, cancer ridden body I was so thankful that I had given my life to Christ back in 1971.  Jesus was there with me in my utterly helpless state of brain cancer and I was not afraid.

Yes, death will come.  How wonderful, though, that we have been told what will happen to us.  How wonderful that we can read about life after death.  How wonderful that we know a Person in history who died an excruciating, painful death but miraculously, powerfully came alive again and appeared to His friends in a physical, resurrected body! His friends even found this hard to believe but when He touched them, spoke to them and ate with them they realized without a doubt that resurrection is REAL!  They then knew that anyone living in this physical world has the opportunity to be resurrected after death with an immortal heavenly body that will never die. This Person told them He was the Son of God, and that "I am the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

Jesus said "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?  And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way where I am going."  John 14:1-4

I chose to believe, confess and surrender my life to Jesus Christ because I know in my heart He is real and filled with love for me.  Every day I thank Him for guaranteeing me salvation, a resurrected body and eternal life with Him in Paradise!

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Journey

It continues to amaze me.  I have been on an incredible journey the past four and a half years...a journey of faith and spiritual enlightenment.  I thought I knew a lot about God before the cancer hit me but coming within inches of death has taught me the realities of the spiritual world.  Even though I never 'died', my experience with the ravages, confusion, uncertainties, discomforts and unknowns of brain cancer gave me new insights of the wonders of our Creator who is in charge of everything.  I can now say, Praise God!, that I went through that cancer ordeal because I now know my Lord more intimately than I ever could have possibly imagined.

When I think back on the night of May 26, 2010, when Jesus appeared and spoke to me, I weep with awe and wonder.  (See blog posting "A Promise Given", March 2, 2013).  The fact that He took that opportunity to give me a special message causes me to fall on my knees in humble worship.  Why did He bless me?  Why did He give me those words of hope when I didn't even realize how much I would need those words in the days and months to come?  Why did He choose me to heal me of a 'lethal, aggressive, rare" cancer?  My response has been and continues to be...."I am yours, Lord to do whatever you want me to do".  And that task?  He keeps telling me and encouraging me to tell my story!

One very important part of that story is what I've learned about the spiritual world.  Sure, we read in the scriptures about angels and demons and visitations by heavenly beings.  But in our physical, technological, scientific world, do we really identify with spiritual beings surrounding us today?  Not really.  We are so locked into the reality of our five senses...seeing,touching,hearing,tasting,feeling.. that it is difficult for our finite minds to contemplate the realities of the spiritual world.

But when you experience the presence of the spiritual, your life is changed.  That's what happened to me when I experienced the sweet presence of Jesus.  First was the visitation on May 26, 2010.  And then numerous times during my monthly chemotherapy sessions when I was hospitalized for week long stays as the methotrexate entered my body and then was flushed out.  Those chemo sessions continued for sixteen months! Frequently, as I lay there in the hospital bed, frightened and uncertain, Jesus stood by my bed, His arms outstretched, comforting me and giving me His blessing.  I saw him and I wept.  That was real!

And then, the horrible week the end of June, 2010.  I had been taken to Upstate Hospital in Syracuse, NY after our doctor in Watertown, NY discovered, after an MRI, that there was "suspicious fluid in my left thalamus".  The doctors in Syracuse could not positively identify the diagnosis, so a brain biopsy was scheduled.  The doctors had no conclusive evidence so they questioned whether I had a CVA, Lyme disease or cancer.  They knew that a sample of my brain tissue would clearly identify the problem.  However, the brain surgeon was scheduled to take a week's vacation over July 4th weekend so the brain biopsy was delayed.  The family later told me they saw me dying that week and were very worried. During those days I suffered horrendous nightmares.  I hardly slept at night.  The nightmares were frightening as an oppressive evil presence, that I identified as Satan, appeared in a dark cloud hovering in front of me, reaching out his arms trying to pull me to him.  But at the same time I felt comforting, protective arms wrapped around me from behind and I knew Jesus was with me.  One night I spoke to this evil presence, "Satan, why do you want me?  I'm not that important.  I'm not a famous preacher or evangelist."  Of course the evil one never answered me but I realized Satan wants everyone!  Maya, a friend of our son Glenn and his wife Stephanie, came and prayed and commanded in the name of Jesus that Satan would leave me. The horrible nightmares stopped!

A few days later, at the time of the brain biopsy, I dreamed that I was in a tunnel, sitting in a wheelchair, rolling along to the right.  There were others in the tunnel, all hooded, slowly walking in the same direction.  I somehow knew I was on my way to Heaven!  Then, all of a sudden, someone turned my wheelchair around and I woke up in my hospital bed.  I clearly believe the Lord turned me around because it was not my time to die.

The cancer, located in the left thalamus of my brain, caused right-sided weakness.  Between 2010 and 2011, I did fall three times.  But amazingly, the falls were 'soft' falls!  Each time, I fell slowly and did not hurt myself...not even a bruise!  It was as if angels were holding me and cushioning my fall.  One fall was on the carpet in the great room of our condo, one was in the bathroom on the tile floor and the last fall was in the hospital during one of my chemo visits.  Amazing... all 'soft' falls.

As I began to gain more strength to walk following my discharge from Upstate Hospital and my return to Holland, MI, it was a challenge to even raise myself from the chair to a standing position. Yet I felt encouragement as I experienced angelic presence standing behind me and helping with tentative steps.

I rejoice as I remember these experiences.  They gave me proof that angels are real, that Jesus is alive, omnipotent and available for all who call upon His name.  Surely, the spiritual world is active and surrounds us every minute of every day and night.  I now am positive that there is more to my life than this physical earthly existence.  There is so much more.  My heart fills with gratitude that I know how much Jesus cares for me.  No matter what happens physically to me in the remainder of my earthly life I know beyond a shred of doubt that my eternal life with Jesus will be absolute joy!

"Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one; I died, and behold, I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades."     Revelation 1:17b-18