Did you see the lunar eclipse Saturday morning, April 4? It was fabulous! My internal clock woke me at 6:05 am just in time to look out into the crystal clear Michigan morning and watch the moon slowly but steadily change from a perfect full white moon to a gradual orange red sliver as it slid behind the trees on the western horizon at 7:15 am. The event took one hour as the night sky steadily brightened with the rising of the full light of sun. What an experience! On the western side of our condo I witnessed the setting of the transformed moon while through the kitchen windows on the east side I caught the ever increasing brilliance of an April sunrise. Not a cloud in the sky to neutralize this celestial wonder.
It made me remind myself, "Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth? Who is in control of this world? Who is ever present to love us, guide us and forgive us?" And of course, my answer loud and clear, without hesitation...the Lord God!
In our busy lives as we are so engrossed in our selfish ambitions and our materialistic obsessions we too easily forget we are surrounded by this amazing beautiful creation that God gave us as a gift to enjoy! Then when we witness such heavenly events that scientists could not possibly have constructed, we know there is a God!
The timing of this "Blood Moon" on April 4, as it is called, is rather interesting. First of all it occurs on Passover, which coincides with Easter, and it happens to be one of four Blood Moons in one year! I am fascinated about what I have discovered by reading about this phenomenon. Because it seems to have incredible simultaneous timing with Jewish festivals and prophesy, Google it and you will discover amazing facts.
In light of the current events in the Middle East and Africa, we are all disturbed and perhaps somewhat fearful. The world is in a constant struggle of wars and rumors of wars. But hasn't that been true for thousands of years? It seems more pronounced now since we have all the technology of news reporting available to us. But the current situations in the world make us question..."Is something else going on???" Of course, only God knows and He is in control!
This Easter has been such a blessing to me...hearing again the beautiful scripture passages declaring the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Isn't it amazing that He appeared to hundreds of people in His resurrected body? In a court of law, how many witnesses are required for proof? Certainly hundreds are not required. Yet, hundreds were witnesses of a resurrected body. We know from the word of scripture that Jesus Christ is the only person in history who resurrected from the dead! Imagine how we would have reacted if someone told us about a resurrected body. Thomas questioned Jesus. Thomas saw and felt with his hand the actual wounds in Jesus body, Thomas knew...knew... that this resurrected body was Jesus Himself!
Eight days later, his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and said, "Peace be with you." Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing." Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." John 20:26-29
As I've written so many times, my life has been dramatically changed as a result of my brain cancer experience. Not only the miraculous healing from cancer, but the full knowledge and awareness of the 'spiritual world'! Someone recently asked, "What is more important and long lasting....our physical bodies or our souls?" The answer, of course, is ""Our souls". Yet we ignore 'our souls' and in contrast, what do we spend our money, time and energy on?
This week I witnessed a celestial wonder and then heard news of unspeakable murder of Christians. Such chilling contrasts. But Easter Sunday proclaimed the utterly miraculous victory over death...a jubilant assuring fact that each of us hold who have surrendered and believe in Jesus Christ. The evils of this world will one day be vanquished. God is in control and I trust Him. Alleluia!