How amazing as I experience God working in my life to bless me, encourage me and heal me! November 6, 2015 held a momentous event. After not being able to drive since mid 2010, I PASSED the Michigan driver's test! HALLELUJAH!
About a year ago my physiatrist at Mary Free Bed rehab facility said, "Janet, you should take the driver rehab course so you can safely drive again. It will make you feel productive and independent." I remember thinking, "Sounds good, but, can I do it?"
So, in April, 2015 I took the initial evaluation at Mary Free Bed and was told that indeed I could be driver trained BUT I would need a special pedal for my left foot to accelerate and brake and a 'knob' steering device on the steering wheel. These two devices would provide safe driving in spite of my right leg and arm weakness. I then decided to wait until September to enroll in the 4-6 week drive rehab program because we were scheduled to leave for our Canadian lake house the beginning of May.
In September I began the rehab program. To my amazement my right foot and leg had significantly healed over the summer so that my driver instructor decided I did not need the special pedal for the left foot! Another miracle! During the training sessions it was exciting to drive again as I maneuvered through aggressive, busy traffic in Grand Rapids. How thankful I was that in years past I had driven countless times in Manhattan, New York City, battling aggressive taxi cabs and crazy driving during my singing career.
Since I could not use my right arm and hand, the knob on the steering wheel provided safe accurate turning around street corners...amazing! I also began to realize driving was more mental than physical...thinking 'defensively', following 'rules' of the road, knowing where I was and where I was going. I began to think, "Yes, Janet, you CAN do this"!
The day of the test I started doubting. "Janet, you have severe physical limitations." "Janet, you have enough trouble just getting into a car...what makes you think you can drive?" "Oh, just forget about driving...let Dick continue being your chauffeur and be dependent on others to give you a ride." Yes, the enemy was discouraging me. As I sat at the breakfast table, I opened my daily devotional and read Exodus 4:10-17. My spirit leaped with joy! The scripture spoke to me.
The Lord had called Moses to deliver the Jews from Egypt and how did Moses respond? "Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." And what did the Lord say to Moses? "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
Immediately I knew God was sending me a powerful message. Janet, who gave you arms and legs? Who gave you a mind to think? Janet, I am with you. I will be in that car with you, helping you to move that right leg and foot on the accelerator and the brake. I will guide your left hand on that steering wheel knob. I will help you to remember all the rules of the road. So, Janet, what are you worried about?
God was with me and I passed the Michigan driver's test. The knob steering wheel is now installed and I'm on the road!
Thank you Lord for answering my need and thank you Lord for your continual presence as I face challenges in my life. You have shown me again that my challenges are Your opportunities to display Your loving power in my life. What an amazing God!