Another horrific tragedy.....another painful attack on innocent life....another reminder that evil exists in our world today. When we hear and view details of the gruesome carnage in Nice, France, we are repulsed and drowned by grief. We cry out to God....why?...when will this end?...will this happen here? We are afraid and we worry.
BUT....I sit here at our lake house and I look out on the beautiful blue water, glistening in the sunlight with ripples running from the south bringing warm, comfortable weather. I listen to the slight breeze singing through the pine trees. I am drawn to the cooing of our faithful loon family as mom and dad loon swim about closely guarding their new chick. I admire the billowy cumulous clouds sailing overhead. I lay down my cell phone, close my computer and enjoy the lack of technology so that nothing disturbs the peace of God's creation. Then I am reminded....Yes, Janet, I am in control of this world and everything in it! Do not fear! My God reminds me of who He is and that He is always here. No matter what happens in this life, He is here! Don't be in Me!
Yes, our physical life can be snuffed out at any minute....accident, disease, cancer....we live in a precarious existence. We don't like to think about it, we ignore it, we close our eyes and silently think "thank goodness that wasn't me". Our physical lives could end at any moment and we really don't know when that time will be. The continual rise in terrorist attacks causes deep concern because we don't know 'when' or 'if'.
Now I know it is important to plan ahead....whether it is shopping plans, social plans, important appointments, household jobs, weather considerations, 'what should I wear?', financial plans, etc. That's why I have thought a lot about 'what will happen when I die?'
I can rejoice that I know what will happen...I know where I will be....I know Who will take care of me....JESUS! I am so confident in my heart and mind that angels will escort me to Heaven where I will be in the loving, peaceful, glorious presence of Jesus.
Before the brain biopsy that was surgically performed to confirm my diagnosis of CNS lymphoma in July, 2010, I had an interesting experience. I dreamt that I was in a tunnel, sitting in a wheelchair. I noticed people slowly walking from my left to my right, all hooded so I could not see their faces. Rolling along in my wheelchair, I joined the group. I somehow knew I was going toward Heaven and that gave me peace. Then, suddenly, someone turned my wheelchair around and I awoke and found myself back in my hospital bed. I concluded it was not my time to die and enter Heaven.
And here I am....alive and well! But that near death experience and the presence of Jesus during my battle with brain cancer and the vision of Jesus on May 26, 2010 leaves me without a shred of doubt. He is real! Jesus is alive! He is awaiting us in Heaven. There is nothing to be afraid of. I can trust Almighty God that He is in control and He is more powerful than the evil force that we see in this world.
To keep me focused on the Lord, I have been memorizing Scripture and when my mind is in turmoil those Scripture verses bring comfort and stability. I love the gospel of John, so I memorized the first verses....What depth in meaning...what power communicated.......
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it........And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
John 1:1-5, 14
That Scripture message in the midst of this scary world sustains me. Our Almighty God created this world which surrounds us and sings to us reminding us of His Omnipotence. And because of His faithful love for all people, God gave us Jesus, full of grace and truth, who willingly died a horrific death on the cross so I could spend eternity in Heaven. Amen and Amen!