As I read scripture lately, I have been struck with how often we are reminded to "obey God". Obey? For some reason, in this free-thinking time of our lives, in our politically correct words and behavior, "obey" sounds harsh. We associate "obey" as a word used regarding our dogs. After all we insist our pets obey our commands and we spend vast amounts of time training them to obey. But do we seriously consider the necessity of real, true, God fearing, respectful obedience in our own lives? And yet scripture tells us again and again to obey God.
Then I ask myself, "How do I obey God?".... "Does 'obeying God' mean memorizing the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy?" (No, I don't think so!.)...."By obeying God, will I draw closer to Him?"
First of all, I looked at Deuteronomy 13:4 "You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and OBEY His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him." (upper case added). Exodus 19:5 "Now therefore, if you will indeed OBEY My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine."
When I read these verses I realize it is advantageous for me to obey God. My inner conscience tells me obeying God is the right thing to do....for my protection, for my well-being, and for my security. By the way, my conscience is a gift from God....placed within me by the Creator, to guide me between 'right' and 'wrong'. It is interesting that I could completely eliminate my conscience by refusing to listen. Then God, in His ultimate wisdom, would allow my conscience to fade away so I would just follow my own selfish goals. Knowing that, I cling to my conscience and listen to it.
So, my conscience is right. I need to obey God. I like the idea in Exodus 19:5 where it says I will be a special treasure to God if I obey Him and keep His commandments. That sounds good! That gives me incentive to obey God. So why should obeying God be such a challenge. Is it because I don't like someone else telling me what to do? Is it because I want things my own way? Yes, and then again I am reminded how selfish I am and that selfishness gets me into trouble.
So how do I obey God? READ THE BIBLE! Not bits and snatches but Genesis through Revelation. Find out what His message is in its entirety...not misinterpreting, but comprehending the bigger picture. And that's what I've been doing.
I have discovered how meaningful scripture has become to me. The more I read and study the Bible the more I understand about God. I can read a chapter or a few verses that I've studied and as I read it again, a new truth bounds off the page and hits me with a glorious revelation of truth. God's word never ceases to amaze me!
When I begin to partially comprehend the vastness of God's creation, the wisdom of His Omnipotence, the power and might of this Almighty God, the unceasing love that He willingly and graciously fills me, His precious plan of redemption for me through His own Blessed Son can I not want to obey Him. He has given me all I need....why should I question my obedience.
He cured me of cancer. He has given me almost 58 years of marriage to a faithful, loving husband. He has blessed me with 4 wonderful kids and 12 talented grandkids. He has forgiven me countless times for sinful, selfish behavior. My God loves me! And I want to draw closer and closer to Him.
A loyal pet dog who is loved and cared for by his master doesn't hesitate to obey, especially if he knows there's a doggy treat waiting for him.
Yes, obedience is not harsh. Obedience to my God is what I willingly choose to do.