Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Do I say 'THANK YOU' enough?

It's just two small words....two small words that have serious results.  THANK YOU takes seconds to say, a minute to write.... and yet... has our culture become so busy or distracted that we don't say the words?

When I was growing up I remember writing the 'thank you notes' the week after Christmas. As a child, prompted by a proper mother, I obediently spent time writing to grandparents, aunts, church friends, my Brownie leader and any other person who had given me a thoughtful Christmas gift.  Yes, it was tedious, a little boring...but it trained me to be grateful for the kind loving thought that initiated that gift.

Thank you notes or emails seem rare today.  And I wonder.....are we.....am I... becoming less grateful? Are we really thankful for that shirt or that scarf or that book..or do we run to the store for exchange?  Why do people neglect to say "Thank you"?

I've shared these thoughts with a number of my friends and I was amazed by how my friends all responded with similar comments.  For example......"My grandson has never thanked me for the check we sent him for his birthday for the past 2 years!"....."My daughter-in-law opened her gift on Christmas and never uttered "Thank you"!....."Since none of my grandkids thank me for birthday gifts anymore, I thank I'll just stop sending them."

How sad!  The reason we give a gift is because we love the person.  And to be truly unselfish in our giving, we totally release that gift to them.  But our hearts are numbed when there is no positive grateful response.  We feel good when joy is shared.  So even if we really don't like a gift shouldn't we at least say "Thank you"?  It's the love that's given, not the material substance.

It can't help but remind me.....am I remembering to say 'thank you' to Almighty God?  I've learned that everything I possess, everything that happens to me, everything that I've been healed from, everything that makes me happy, everything that blesses me.....all comes from my loving Creator, Savior, Redeemer, Lord!  Scripture says again and again .......

Psalm 75:1  We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks!
Psalm 92:1  It is good to give thanks to the Lord
Psalm 50:14  Offer to God thanksgiving
Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God

As John MacArthur states, "Gratitude to God accompanies all true prayer."  When I pray, no matter if the prayer is placed under disappointment, stress, pain, or agony, I must remember to give God 'thanks'.  By filling my heart with thankfulness to God, my thankfulness spills over into my daily life.

Let us remember to be thankful....to God and to all.  Perhaps our stating "thank you" constantly in my life will encourage others to do the same.