We all grow old. A newborn squeals at the abrupt entrance to the world and from that moment begins to grow and change to fulfill a God given purpose. We become aware of the aging process in our thirties as we struggle to keep up with the light hearted abandonment of youth. Then as the decades pass with increasing speed we suddenly realize we have become 'senior citizens'. How did this happen so quickly? I ask myself as I find myself in the eighties...Why is my physical body literally deteriorating? The state of aging is obvious......white or grey hair, hearing aides, glasses, canes, walkers, slow of speech and slow of movement, daytime napping. And indeed some memory loss....."What's her name again?"...."What day is it?" The aging catches us by surprise and we wonder "How do I cope?" I missed that class in college......Dealing with the senior years 101... ..which of course was never taught."
Then the reality hits. Our culture here in the United States has a problem with aging! Look at the commercials on TV. Youth is worshipped, seniors are ignored or laughed at. Where do our seniors live? Huge corporations are cashing in on the plight and lives of seniors. Retirement communities offering independent living, assisted living, plus nursing homes with 'continuum of care' are popping up in every state. Financial arrangements vary from affordable costs at 501C3 non-profit facilities to total liquidation of personal financial holdings upon death. Some corporations have seized upon the financial assets of seniors promising them life-long care but grabbing all their money. Yes many seniors today have comfortable pensions (unheard of today in the business world). Many seniors today were born around the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s and lived their lives watching the budget, paying bills on time, never entering debt and in retirement have substantial savings. And these savings they wish to pass on to their children as gifts of inheritance.
Does our culture today essentially respect seniors? Or is our culture too busy, too focused on youth to truly respect the older population. Which, by the way, is growing in volumes due to 'baby boomers' now entering their senior years. Here is the increasing number of senior citizens, who have lived productive, important, creative, decision making lives in various jobs, roles, individual capacities with God given gifts to enhance our world and where are they now? Living alone in a condo, living alone grieving loss of loved one, living a challenging handicapped existence. BUT filled with knowledge. All those years of experience in an occupation, raising a family, coping with problems or grief or tragedy, travels, interpersonal relationships. What a wealth of knowledge to share with loved ones, friends, the public.
So, let us seniors speak out. Let us share our memories, our experiences, our knowledge. Let us give to our younger culture wisdom that we have accumulated. Let us feel worthy, respected and honored.
I pray this will happen.