How I love Christmas music that we've heard for generations. We hear the songs and remember Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas" and "Do you Hear what I Hear". Remember Gene Autry singing "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Holly, Jolly Christmas" with Burl Ives and "The Little Drummer Boy" sung by the Harry Simeone Chorale? We still hear those songs today. Christmas Carols remind us of Jesus born in a manger and angels singing to shepherds. Music is a joyful gift and fills our hearts, especially this Covid year! Have you ever wondered where music started or where it came from? We are all given the ability to sing a tune, maybe off key or gravelly rough, but our lungs and vocal cords manufacture musical sounds. What a gift God has given us. We are created with the ability to sing and singing gives us joy!.
Since I love Christmas Carols, years ago I would gather the family together plus any friends who were interested, and we would walk around our neighborhood on Hartung Dr. in Wyckoff, NJ and 'go Caroling'. Our kids loved it, especially during their teenage years, because they would take their boyfriend or girlfriend with them and afterward we would warm up at our house with hot cocoa and cookies. It was such fun ringing doorbells and starting to sing as our neighbors opened their doors in surprise, looking out at us all dressed in toasty, warm coats and scarves as the snowflakes danced around us.
How I remember the hundreds of Christmas concerts Jane Douglas White, accompanist, and I presented around the country, especially with my three girls singing with us. Of course, the audiences were entranced with these young girls, ages 6, 8, and 10 performing songs of Christmas. And what did the girls love the most? The 'goodies' they were served after the concerts and their days off from school.
This year will be challenging as we will continue great care in protecting ourselves from Covid 19. How I love the gathering of friends to party, the gathering of families to celebrate, the rich concerts as we listen to sounds of music. Will any of that be available? Will we be able to laugh with friends and family? Will we exchange gifts with our grandchildren? All of this looks doubtful this year. But do you know what we can do and will do? Listen for hours to the music of Christmas reminding us of the real meaning of Christmas.
Back in 2010, I was suffering from CNS lymphoma in the left thalamus of my brain. I returned to Holland, MI late October after being in the Syracuse (NY) Medical Center for four months as the oncologists treated and cared for me. There I sat in our condo, unable to do anything. December arrived and the realization hit me. Christmas time was here and I could not bake cookies, buy presents, wrap presents, entertain friends, decorate the tree with all its handmade ornaments, place candles in the Advent wreath, put the Christmas wreath on the door and set out the nativity set. Dick was in and out as he was able to continue with his exercises, errands and shopping. I sat alone in silence. Tears ran down my cheeks and I wondered if I was ever to be well again. Dick came home and he turned on a CD of beautiful Christmas music. As I continued sitting in my recliner, the music began to sooth me. The poignant word of each song touched my heart. "O Come Let Us Adore Him" rang in the air. What is Christmas about, Janet? Why do we have Christmas? Who was born in a stable, dirty with farm animals? How did that young Mary feel about giving birth, for the first time, on a pile of hay? What was Mary's reaction when smelly shepherds arrived praising God and asking to see the baby? What must have gone through Mary's mind as she knew this baby had grown in her for nine months even though she was a virgin? Did Mary radiate God's presence knowing that the "Son of the Most High" had just been born? Suddenly my loneliness was gone, my helplessness did not matter. An angel had told the shepherds, "For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." JESUS IS BORN!