Most of us seniors don't like to talk about aging. We want to think that we are in fine physical shape and don't need need help. But the truth is in the natural progression of our bodies we do slowly decay. Shocking, isn't it? Instead of ignoring the aging of our bodies, we must accept the fact that we humans do become weaker and eventually die. Is that what we must think about? Dying? Since that is the end result of our living let's think of the positives of how we should live during those wonderful days of living.
God put us here on this earth for a purpose. Each one of us has a different purpose so it is to our advantage to discover what that purpose is. Then when we realize why we are living here, let us be intent on fulfilling that purpose. I am 86 years old and as I look back on my busy life I discover how grateful I am that I accomplished so much in my life for others.
Yes, in this stage of my life I have 'aged'. BUT is my life over? No, so I keep producing tasks that God approves of. Even in our senior years keep working and keep producing. As I admit I am aging I realize this is a natural part of living. We don't like to admit, "I can't run, I can't climb a ladder, I can't get out of bed easily, I can't make my bed, I can't drive my car, I can't walk outside by myself, I can't paint the house, I can't sweep the sidewalk, I can't cook my supper"........BUT look what I can do. I can write, I can give Bible studies, I can study the Bible and give presentations, I can use my brain to solve problems. I am thankful for what I can do and I don't let my 'can nots' become my 'I wish I coulds'.
In the meantime you choose how you want those last days to be. I am a Christian and believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and believe that I will be in Heaven with Jesus when I die. I have no fear of death. I believe that the moment I die angels will escort me to Heaven. What joy and beauty await me! No one knows when they will die but trusting in Jesus gives me complete assurance I will be with Him.
So many seniors today won't even talk about 'dying'. They are basically scared of a natural process as our physical lives end. But why be scared? We should be rejoicing and looking forward to Heaven.
Let's face the fact that we are aging and rejoice in what that brings. Now many seniors will say, "Rejoice in aging? You are crazy." But think about this. We have all lived productive lives, especially if we are now in our 80s and 90s, We may think we've done nothing but we have all contributed to God's wonderful plan. Years ago I totally gave my life to Jesus and even though I thought it was difficult i sought His will and obeyed Him. Now in my 80s I am so glad I veered away from temptation and obeyed Jesus. I'm sure many of us will admit, "Thank goodness, I didn't do...........because now I realize I would have ruined my life and placed my family in pain. Thank you, Lord, I obeyed you and dd not yield to temptation."
Of course , we are confronted every day with our culture constantly repeating via the media and advertisements........"Only the young are beautiful are important, pay no attention to those 'old' people." I have decided I have to mentally and emotionally reject that philosophy. As we all look in the mirror every day, don't think about the wrinkles and sagging skin but look yourself in the eye and proclaim, "Wow, I'm still beautiful, my smile is intoxicating, my eyes sparkle with intensity, and my lipstick paints my lips with joy." That philosophy will brighten your day and fill your life with praise to Almighty God.