She stared at the calendar. Yes, Thanksgiving had arrived and families would again be gathering to enjoy the feasting and football. She looked back over the decades and remembered all those reunions. It was always a special day and she rejoiced that her memory was still keen as she cherished those past Thanksgiving celebrations.
As a child, Janet remembered Thanksgiving was always held at Aunt Francis and Uncle Arthur's house in Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey. A childless couple, they always insisted on hosting the traditional event. There was Uncle Ernie and Aunt Stella plus cousins Robert and Colin. Also Grandma Sprague and Aunt Emma. As well as Arthur's sister, Edith, and their parents, Peter and Ethel. Janet loved the holiday mainly because she adored her older cousins and this day gave her opportunity to be with them. This was family and her Mommy and Daddy and her brother Donald all entered into the reunion.
Of course, as a pre-teen, she found some of the relatives odd, stuffy, cantankerous and cold. But she and Donald could have fun on their own, stuff themselves with turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans with fried onion rings, cranberry sauce, pumpkin and mince pies while basically ignoring the 'old folks'. She particularly recalled how she shied away from Peter, Uncle Arthur's father, a large man with an annoying loud raspy voice, who scared her. She stayed away from him. Then there was Aunt Emma, an 'old maid', who lived with Grandma Sprague, but rarely spoke and never laughed. Uncle Ernie was always kind to her so she readily warmed to him. He and Aunt Stella and the boys traveled from Buffalo, New York each year, a long trip back then before interstates existed. Of course, this was the late 1940s, post World War II, and gas rationing had been lifted. Those war years (1941-1945) had meant little travel by car due to severe gas rationing and with most adults either serving in the armed forces or working long hours in defense companies. Now that the war was over, families rejoiced in the unhindered ability to visit one another.
So these years were special. Besides, this was family...her mother's family. And even though there were odd members in the group, they gathered each year to remember to be thankful. Peter always said 'Grace', a rather dull, mechanical prayer but it seemed to suffice and everyone was more interested in the food anyway. The boiled creamed onions and turnips were served with distinction but Janet always begged off on tasting them.
And so the years repeated themselves with the same gathering. As she thought back to those days many years ago she realized one person stood out...Edith. Yes, Edith had never married, but unlike Aunt Emma, Edith showed soft, warm, interested love in everyone. She was not a tall woman and with a curved back she seemed even shorter. Her clothes always appeared dowdy, not fashionable, and she had, in Janet's opinion, a horrible Jersey City accent. What was remarkable was her face... unattractive with a prominent nose, several bulbous skin colored moles and prominent teeth. But her smile radiated through that exterior visage and lit up her countenance. It seemed to Janet that she held some cherished wonderful secret that defined her and gave her joy. In her own naive youth, Janet respected Edith and liked her but mostly ignored her.
As the years went by and slowly the older members of the family died, Edith remained. By this time Janet had married, had four children and amazingly began a musical career. Of course, this was after she had received her BS in Nursing from Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing. But she had always loved music, always enjoyed singing and thus, after entering several vocal competitions, she sang professionally. After the Lay Witness Mission at their church she partnered with Jane Douglass White to perform solo evangelistic concerts all over the US and elsewhere. They became known as performing "Joy and Praise with Janet and Jane".
At one of their concerts, Edith appeared, who was ecstatic at the spiritual awakening in Janet. Much visiting and conversations followed. Then came the opportunity to cut a record of their music (33 1/3 LP...this was 1973). The cost appeared out of reach. Edith somehow heard of their need, met with Janet and Jane and contributed the funds to cut a record!
Shortly after, Edith became ill and died. But Edith never complained, even during multiple hospitalizations, lung complications...she continued sharing her smile and glowing with the presence of the Lord. At Edith's funeral, Janet sang Edith's favorite hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness". Yes, Edith was a beautiful woman in spirit. The Lord radiated His presence through her as she touched the lives of others.
As Janet thought about this special woman she realized what an inspiration Edith had been. Little known, unobtrusive, never given media coverage, yet Edith had an impact on Janet's life. What a lesson this was. We never know how we impact our family and friends around us. Here Edith stood, physically unattractive in today's culture with curvature of the spine, handicapped by arthritis and breathing problems, yet she powerfully radiated Her trust and love in Jesus Christ as evidenced in her generous financial contributions and her personal conduct through all adversity. Janet thought about her own challenges post cancer with her struggle of right sided weakness. Now she knew with certainty. More important than physical prowess or facial perfection is the presence of Jesus in her life. So she focused on being a positive inspiration to family and friends communicating to them that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior.
How thankful Janet is today as she remembers Edith, this woman of faith, who was part of the family at Thanksgiving but is now part of God's family in Heaven.
"Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Close to the heart
Money. They had never argued about money, but it was a subject that they respected. Since Dick was a 'depression baby' and she a '30s' baby, they both had lived with the realities of living a frugal life. Dick remembered meager meals and she remembered owning only two outfits to wear for school and one special dress for Sundays. So it was no surprise that they monitored a careful budget during their married life.
Then came the moment in their lives when they heard the word tithe. Back in early 1971 they were asked to be chairpersons for a special weekend in their church called Lay Witness Weekend. Janet had recently met people who recently had such a weekend and she had been amazed at the tangible love that overflowed them. These men and women clearly stated that they had heard about the power of Jesus Christ during a Lay Witness Weekend and that experience had changed their lives. After listening to these testimonies Janet was convinced her home church had to have such a weekend.
So during that weekend, she and Dick heard about people were blessed when they gave full tithes and offerings to the Lord. Dick shook his head....10% of their income??? How could they do that? Here they were with four little kids, moderate income as an elementary school principal, mortgage, demands of living in an upscale community plus they felt good about contributing at least something to their church.
Then by the beginning of December of 1971, having grown in Bible study, they decided to plunge in and abruptly begin tithing....a straight 10% of Dick's income. But it was December...Christmas presents, extra stuff for the kids...were they crazy? But Dick started writing the weekly checks. And they held their breaths. Was this going to work? The first year was tough. To maintain their 10% tithe they pooled some money that Janet was earning from singing at weddings and church services. They wanted to fulfill their commitment to God.
They discovered some wonderful verses in Malachi and they read them over and over again.
"I the Lord do not change....... Return to me, and I will return to you," says the Lord Almighty.
"But you ask, 'How are we to return?'
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
"But you ask, 'How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse-the whole nation of you-because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3: 6-10
During the coming weeks and months they were amazed. Yes, tithing did work. Their money seemed to stretch and all bills were paid. Blessings abounded. Then they heard about the father of a friend who tithed, not 10% but 70%! What? And that family had five kids! Wow! They began to think maybe they could stretch their giving beyond 10%.
So as the years continued they kept giving increased tithes and offerings and they were never in need. One year after Dick retired they decided to make a substantial increase in their tithe for a worthy mission cause. They were not sure how this would work out but they trusted God. Unbelievably, a few weeks later Dick got a letter stating that because he was a veteran he was getting a monthly increase in his pension which matched the amount they had increased in their monthly tithe! Was that confirmation? Amen!
And now they again thanked the Lord for His blessings. The cost of cancer treatments are astronomical and can lead to bankruptcy. But because of the generous benefits that Dick received upon retirement as an elementary school principal in New Jersey all the hospital stays and chemotherapy treatments that Janet had endured were covered by insurance! This had huge implications. With the trauma of going through 16 months of chemotherapy, four months as an impatient in Syracuse Upstate Hospital, months of therapy....speech, physical and occupational, weekly stays at the hospital during one year of chemo, Janet realized the overwhelming trauma of huge medical bills would have devastated her. God had prepared them and provided for them.
As she thought about their financial situation over the years she knew how everyone holds their wallets close to their hearts. Friends rarely divulge their salaries or how much they paid for their homes or what debt they are carrying. No, we hold these money facts close to our hearts. But God knows. We can't hide anything from Him. But if we honor Him by "giving of the first fruits of our labors" He will bless us.
Janet remembered how for years they managed their budget by first cashing Dick's bi-weekly checks and depositing the budgeting amount in various envelopes. They were labeled: food, mortgage, utilities, insurance, taxes, medical, clothing, and God. Dick always filled God's envelope first. One time their son pleaded for new gym shoes. She looked in the clothing envelope and it was empty so she told him he'd have to wait until next paycheck. Glenn checked through the envelopes and found money in the God envelope. "We can borrow from God!" he exclaimed. "God won't mind." They laughed. Of course they did not borrow from God and it gave a wonderful opportunity for helping their son understand the importance of tithing. He got his gym shoes in another week when there was money in the clothes envelope.
Yes, our wallets are close to our hearts but what joy it gives our hearts to give generously to God!
Then came the moment in their lives when they heard the word tithe. Back in early 1971 they were asked to be chairpersons for a special weekend in their church called Lay Witness Weekend. Janet had recently met people who recently had such a weekend and she had been amazed at the tangible love that overflowed them. These men and women clearly stated that they had heard about the power of Jesus Christ during a Lay Witness Weekend and that experience had changed their lives. After listening to these testimonies Janet was convinced her home church had to have such a weekend.
So during that weekend, she and Dick heard about people were blessed when they gave full tithes and offerings to the Lord. Dick shook his head....10% of their income??? How could they do that? Here they were with four little kids, moderate income as an elementary school principal, mortgage, demands of living in an upscale community plus they felt good about contributing at least something to their church.
Then by the beginning of December of 1971, having grown in Bible study, they decided to plunge in and abruptly begin tithing....a straight 10% of Dick's income. But it was December...Christmas presents, extra stuff for the kids...were they crazy? But Dick started writing the weekly checks. And they held their breaths. Was this going to work? The first year was tough. To maintain their 10% tithe they pooled some money that Janet was earning from singing at weddings and church services. They wanted to fulfill their commitment to God.
They discovered some wonderful verses in Malachi and they read them over and over again.
"I the Lord do not change....... Return to me, and I will return to you," says the Lord Almighty.
"But you ask, 'How are we to return?'
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
"But you ask, 'How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse-the whole nation of you-because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3: 6-10
During the coming weeks and months they were amazed. Yes, tithing did work. Their money seemed to stretch and all bills were paid. Blessings abounded. Then they heard about the father of a friend who tithed, not 10% but 70%! What? And that family had five kids! Wow! They began to think maybe they could stretch their giving beyond 10%.
So as the years continued they kept giving increased tithes and offerings and they were never in need. One year after Dick retired they decided to make a substantial increase in their tithe for a worthy mission cause. They were not sure how this would work out but they trusted God. Unbelievably, a few weeks later Dick got a letter stating that because he was a veteran he was getting a monthly increase in his pension which matched the amount they had increased in their monthly tithe! Was that confirmation? Amen!
And now they again thanked the Lord for His blessings. The cost of cancer treatments are astronomical and can lead to bankruptcy. But because of the generous benefits that Dick received upon retirement as an elementary school principal in New Jersey all the hospital stays and chemotherapy treatments that Janet had endured were covered by insurance! This had huge implications. With the trauma of going through 16 months of chemotherapy, four months as an impatient in Syracuse Upstate Hospital, months of therapy....speech, physical and occupational, weekly stays at the hospital during one year of chemo, Janet realized the overwhelming trauma of huge medical bills would have devastated her. God had prepared them and provided for them.
As she thought about their financial situation over the years she knew how everyone holds their wallets close to their hearts. Friends rarely divulge their salaries or how much they paid for their homes or what debt they are carrying. No, we hold these money facts close to our hearts. But God knows. We can't hide anything from Him. But if we honor Him by "giving of the first fruits of our labors" He will bless us.
Janet remembered how for years they managed their budget by first cashing Dick's bi-weekly checks and depositing the budgeting amount in various envelopes. They were labeled: food, mortgage, utilities, insurance, taxes, medical, clothing, and God. Dick always filled God's envelope first. One time their son pleaded for new gym shoes. She looked in the clothing envelope and it was empty so she told him he'd have to wait until next paycheck. Glenn checked through the envelopes and found money in the God envelope. "We can borrow from God!" he exclaimed. "God won't mind." They laughed. Of course they did not borrow from God and it gave a wonderful opportunity for helping their son understand the importance of tithing. He got his gym shoes in another week when there was money in the clothes envelope.
Yes, our wallets are close to our hearts but what joy it gives our hearts to give generously to God!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
"In My own time frame"
The words still repeated themselves again and again. On that night of May 26, 2010, Jesus had appeared to her and told her, "You will be healed but in My own time frame." (See blog posting on March 2, 2013 "A Promise Given"). And that was six weeks before her diagnosis of brain cancer! She continued to be amazed at how God showed His presence in her life.
First of all, how many people did she know, really know, who had experienced a vision of Jesus? She realized there was no one. Sure, she had read all the Biblical accounts and some visionary experiences in current books but she wondered, why her? Why did God send her a message so powerful and yet so frightening?
Second of all, she wasn't even sick that last week of May. She had to admit that she did feel extra tired with a lack of her usual vibrant energy, but, even as a nurse, never did she contemplate she was headed for an aggressive, lethal cancer. After all, she was too healthy, walked one to three miles a couple times a week, never ate junk food....(not counting her never ending love of chocolate), enjoyed an active social life, lots of friends, wonderful husband, busy church life. A candidate for cancer? No way! In fact, there was a photo of her on their iPhotos of her hostessing a large dinner party at their lake house the second week of May.
And lastly, after several years, she still clearly remembered every detail of that vision...especially the words. And now she knew... she had proof... it was happening!
She realized that some friends and family laughed and scoffed at her vision. "A vision? Well, of course, Janet had brain cancer. She was probably hallucinating! Poor Janet, she doesn't know it was totally her confused brain that thought she had a vision," they probably said.
But now toward the end of 2013, amazing positive changes in her health had occurred. Dr. A. had recently weaned her off Keppra, the anti-seizure medication. Even though she had never experienced a seizure, even before her diagnosis, the doctors had prescribed that med to prevent any possible seizure, a common problem due to brain cancer. Now that she was safely off Keppra, she had increased energy especially for exercising, did not need daily naps, her voice had improved and she enjoyed more socialization.
Her motor skills were improving. The walking, though still slow, was more confident, even though she still had to use her cane or someone's arm. The therapist had told her the cane would prevent bad positioning and joint damage. She was assured by the therapists that consistent exercise would produce positive results. So she exercised.
The right arm was improving. She could now carry light weight articles in her right hand, something she could not do previously. Also, she kept putting the right arm to work....assisting in folding laundry, opening jars...working those shoulder muscles in every possible way.
She smiled at every slight improvement. She had discovered the importance of patience and trusting her Lord to accomplish what He had promised. Oh, there were some days she cried to God to heal her quickly. In this fast, competitive, impatient, demanding culture she found it frustrating that healing was coming so slowly. But she remembered His words and kept hearing His quiet voice repeating to her that she would be "healed in His own time frame".
During the summer of 2011 she thought surely she would experience total healing in a momentous, miraculous way. It did not happen. She felt disillusioned and even began to doubt the vision. But those words He had spoken never left her and then she would see minor improvements and believe again. Oh, how much she had learned!
She was now shortly due for an MRI and would know the results within two weeks. She felt strongly the MRI would prove no cancer. So there were the words..."You will be healed".... Yes, the Lord was right! She marveled at His power and choosing to heal her! She was nothing special. Just a normal woman. But she loved the Lord. She wanted to serve Him to her dying day and wanted to praise Him mightily. He had chosen to heal her in this fallen world so that others would know of His great love!
"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
First of all, how many people did she know, really know, who had experienced a vision of Jesus? She realized there was no one. Sure, she had read all the Biblical accounts and some visionary experiences in current books but she wondered, why her? Why did God send her a message so powerful and yet so frightening?
Second of all, she wasn't even sick that last week of May. She had to admit that she did feel extra tired with a lack of her usual vibrant energy, but, even as a nurse, never did she contemplate she was headed for an aggressive, lethal cancer. After all, she was too healthy, walked one to three miles a couple times a week, never ate junk food....(not counting her never ending love of chocolate), enjoyed an active social life, lots of friends, wonderful husband, busy church life. A candidate for cancer? No way! In fact, there was a photo of her on their iPhotos of her hostessing a large dinner party at their lake house the second week of May.
And lastly, after several years, she still clearly remembered every detail of that vision...especially the words. And now she knew... she had proof... it was happening!
She realized that some friends and family laughed and scoffed at her vision. "A vision? Well, of course, Janet had brain cancer. She was probably hallucinating! Poor Janet, she doesn't know it was totally her confused brain that thought she had a vision," they probably said.
But now toward the end of 2013, amazing positive changes in her health had occurred. Dr. A. had recently weaned her off Keppra, the anti-seizure medication. Even though she had never experienced a seizure, even before her diagnosis, the doctors had prescribed that med to prevent any possible seizure, a common problem due to brain cancer. Now that she was safely off Keppra, she had increased energy especially for exercising, did not need daily naps, her voice had improved and she enjoyed more socialization.
Her motor skills were improving. The walking, though still slow, was more confident, even though she still had to use her cane or someone's arm. The therapist had told her the cane would prevent bad positioning and joint damage. She was assured by the therapists that consistent exercise would produce positive results. So she exercised.
The right arm was improving. She could now carry light weight articles in her right hand, something she could not do previously. Also, she kept putting the right arm to work....assisting in folding laundry, opening jars...working those shoulder muscles in every possible way.
She smiled at every slight improvement. She had discovered the importance of patience and trusting her Lord to accomplish what He had promised. Oh, there were some days she cried to God to heal her quickly. In this fast, competitive, impatient, demanding culture she found it frustrating that healing was coming so slowly. But she remembered His words and kept hearing His quiet voice repeating to her that she would be "healed in His own time frame".
During the summer of 2011 she thought surely she would experience total healing in a momentous, miraculous way. It did not happen. She felt disillusioned and even began to doubt the vision. But those words He had spoken never left her and then she would see minor improvements and believe again. Oh, how much she had learned!
She was now shortly due for an MRI and would know the results within two weeks. She felt strongly the MRI would prove no cancer. So there were the words..."You will be healed".... Yes, the Lord was right! She marveled at His power and choosing to heal her! She was nothing special. Just a normal woman. But she loved the Lord. She wanted to serve Him to her dying day and wanted to praise Him mightily. He had chosen to heal her in this fallen world so that others would know of His great love!
"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
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