Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"In My own time frame"

The words still repeated themselves again and again.  On that night of May 26, 2010, Jesus had appeared to her and told her, "You will be healed but in My own time frame." (See blog posting on March 2, 2013 "A Promise Given").  And that was six weeks before her diagnosis of brain cancer! She continued to be amazed at how God showed His presence in her life.

First of all, how many people did she know, really know, who had experienced a vision of Jesus?  She realized there was no one.  Sure, she had read all the Biblical accounts and some visionary experiences in current books but she wondered, why her?  Why did God send her a message so powerful and yet so frightening?

Second of all, she wasn't even sick that last week of May.  She had to admit that she did feel extra tired with a lack of her usual vibrant energy, but, even as a nurse, never did she contemplate she was headed for an aggressive, lethal cancer.  After all, she was too healthy, walked one to three miles a couple times a week, never ate junk food....(not counting her never ending love of chocolate), enjoyed an active social life, lots of friends, wonderful husband, busy church life. A candidate for cancer?  No way!  In fact, there was a photo of her on their iPhotos of her hostessing a large dinner party at their lake house the second week of May.

And lastly, after several years, she still clearly remembered every detail of that vision...especially the words.  And now she knew... she had proof... it was happening!

She realized that some friends and family laughed and scoffed at her vision. "A vision? Well, of course, Janet had brain cancer.  She was probably hallucinating!  Poor Janet, she doesn't know it was totally her confused brain that thought she had a vision," they probably said.

But now toward the end of 2013, amazing positive changes in her health had occurred. Dr. A. had recently weaned her off Keppra, the anti-seizure medication.  Even though she had never experienced a seizure, even before her diagnosis, the doctors had prescribed that med to prevent any possible seizure, a common problem due to brain cancer.  Now that she was safely off Keppra, she had increased energy especially for exercising, did not need daily naps, her voice had improved and she enjoyed more socialization.

Her motor skills were improving.  The walking, though still slow, was more confident, even though she still had to use her cane or someone's arm.  The therapist had told her the cane would prevent bad positioning and joint damage.  She was assured by the therapists that consistent exercise would produce positive results.  So she exercised.

The right arm was improving.  She could now carry light weight articles in her right hand, something she could not do previously.  Also, she kept putting the right arm to work....assisting in folding laundry, opening jars...working those shoulder muscles in every possible way.

She smiled at every slight improvement.  She had discovered the importance of patience and trusting her Lord to accomplish what He had promised.  Oh, there were some days she cried to God to heal her quickly.  In this fast, competitive, impatient, demanding culture she found it frustrating that healing was coming so slowly.  But she remembered His words and kept hearing His quiet voice repeating to her that she would be "healed in His own time frame".

During the summer of 2011 she thought surely she would experience total healing in a momentous, miraculous way.  It did not happen.  She felt disillusioned and even began to doubt the vision.  But those words He had spoken never left her and then she would see minor improvements and believe again.  Oh, how much she had learned!

She was now shortly due for an MRI and would know the results within two weeks.  She felt strongly the MRI would prove no cancer.  So there were the words..."You will be healed"....  Yes, the Lord was right!  She marveled at His power and choosing to heal her!  She was nothing special.  Just a normal woman.  But she loved the Lord.  She wanted to serve Him to her dying day and wanted to praise Him mightily.  He had chosen to heal her in this fallen world so that others would know of His great love!

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."    James 1:2-4

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