Friday, February 12, 2016

A Special Plan

God has a plan.  Isn't that amazing?  To think that in this chaotic, unpredictable, dangerous world God has a plan for my life.  In the midst of the turmoil, this fact has emblazoned itself on my heart.  Why did it take me so long to be aware of God's plan?  Here I am a senior citizen and I realize I should have acknowledged this years ago....certainly at least when I was a teenager!  Oh sure, I knew there was God and Jesus but, I'll admit, my mind was on other pressing realities.

I remember focusing on getting good grades...Honor Society, possible scholarships, wanting to be Valedictorian so I could be Queen of the Fourth of July parade (never made it).  Always trying ways to rid those pimples on my face.  Trying out for any opportunity to sing a solo or act in the class play.  And, of course...'boys'...yes, I admit, I was 'boy-crazy'....walking the halls of Ridgefield Park High School between classes and hoping that a certain 'boy' would notice me and say "Hi"!

Then during those filled, busy days of married life, raising children, pursuing a musical career... did I focus on God's plan for my life?  I was so involved in doing what I thought was right, what I thought God wanted me to do, that my 'busyness' made me feel I must be in God's plan.

Yes, my former years mainly focused on "me", certainly not on a God who had a plan for my life. But as I have grown wiser and older and I look back on decades, I know God has a plan.  He has a plan for everyone.  The goal is to admit that and find that plan.

When we think of 'plan', our minds focus on many different things.....  It could be ideas for a dream house.  Or career opportunities.  Or post-graduate studies abroad.  Or social activities. But do I seriously consider the possibility that my Creator God Almighty actually has a plan for me?  That my life has a purpose in His kingdom?  That I was created and born at this time and place because He has a special job for me to do?

When I think of every person that God created to live on this earth was given a special plan by God I am amazed.  We look at history and we read stories of these God fearing servants who knew God, obeyed God and accomplished God's plan for their lives.

As I have been studying the gospels of Mark and Matthew in two separate Bible studies this year, I've thought a lot about the actual years of Jesus' ministry, the disciples and Old Testament individuals. When I read the eye witness accounts of the followers of Jesus, it thrills me to realize these ordinary men and women were called and used by God for a particular, powerful moment in history.  They recorded God's appearance as His Son in human flesh.  What a privilege! And the Old Testament prophets and leaders gave us lessons in faith.  They lived thousands of years ago and the way they obeyed God proves to us today that God had given them a plan.

There is a woman in Holland, MI who I've lately heard about.  She is 92 and spends her days praying! Yes, praying all day.  She keeps a prayer list and daily refers to it.  Reminds me of the movie, "War Room" where an older lady has a closet for prayer.  Amazing!  To think that a woman is accomplishing God's plan for her life in her nineties by submitting prayers to the throne of Almighty God fills me with wonder.

So, what is my purpose?  What plan did God ordain for me?  Am I following His plan for my life? Am I obediently serving Him?  Will I hear from Him one day, "Well done, good and faithful servant"?

When I reach Heaven, then I'll know the answer.  In the meantime, now, each day, I will read His word, I will talk with Him in prayer, focus on my Lord in my every day activities and see where He leads me.  Surely, He will show me His plan for today, tomorrow and for the remainder of my life.

The Lord says, "My thoughts are not like your thoughts.  Your ways are not like my ways.  Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9


  1. Your words are always heartfelt and inspiring Janet.
    -Jenna (from cbs)

  2. Your words are always heartfelt and inspiring Janet.
    -Jenna (from cbs)
