Friday, April 18, 2014

The Promise of the Resurrection

Promises....promises....promises.  She thought how that word had received a lot of attention in the national news this past year.  Of course, politicians never keep their promises!  A promise was always something that people respected and held dear.  "Promise?"  A question one made to guarantee the pledge made by another.  And now, promises began to be questioned as meaningless or absurd.  Hadn't they taught their children to 'promise' to tell the truth, no matter the consequences?  And they had obeyed. But now...would the word 'promise' ever have the same meaning?

What about God's promises, she wondered.  Does God ever break His promise?  Have all God's promises come true?  Should we believe in the promises of God?

Now as she thought about Easter and the incredible promise of the resurrection and eternal life, she knew she wanted God's promise to be true!  She looked at the scriptures and began to investigate God's promises.  Amazing!  For one thing, the coming of the Messiah is promised and predicted countless times in the Old Testament.  And did God's promise of a Messiah hold true?  Fulfilled in the New Testament!

What about promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David?  Wow!  She found that all of God's promises came true.  By reading the scriptures she discovered God's promises are "good, holy, exceeding great and precious, obtained through faith, given to those who believe and performed in due season".  Yes, God keeps His promises!

How then did she know the promise of the resurrection was true?  She searched more.  Jesus told His disciples in Luke 18: 31-33, "all things written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished.  For He will be delivered to the Gentiles and will be mocked and insulted and spit upon. They will scourge Him and kill Him.  And the third day He will rise again."

And then she read those wonderful words in Luke 24: 4-7 when the women went to the tomb, found the stone rolled away and no Jesus. "And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments.  Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, 'Why do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here, but is risen!  Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.'"

There it was.  Jesus predicted and promised He would 'rise again' and He did!  The resurrection was true.

All the wonderful Easters of the past swept through her memories....white lilies decorating the sanctuaries - their perfume filling the church, choirs singing the Hallelujah chorus, ladies decked out in new spring hats and gloves and purses, churches filled to standing room only, the excitement of wearing a new Easter dress,  coloring Easter eggs and then hiding them for the annual Easter egg hunt, chocolate Easter bunnies (yum- especially Russell Stover!).

Yes, but is that all Easter is about?  True, Easter is a celebration and she remembered all those family gatherings.  She knew Easter is the most precious day in the Christian calendar because she knew with the promise of the resurrection we have eternal life.  This earthly life is so temporary.  When she was younger, she never thought about life being temporary.  She was so absorbed in living, enjoying, tasting, experiencing, testing, moving, listening, absorbing and all the other myriad particles of life, she thought her happy, creative, fulfilled life would just continue on this earth forever.  But now as friends around her were dying, as she had come close to dying herself, the realization of death was right in front of her face.  Did she fear death?  Why is it that the word 'death' causes people to shudder?

She now honestly could say she did not fear death.  After what she had experienced in the past four years...the presence of Jesus... the love and care caressing her, assured her there was no fear in leaving this earthly life.  She knew that Jesus is real...and He is alive!  Hadn't God promised a heavenly home more beautiful than this earthly home?  Hadn't God promised there would be nothing to worry about, that she would be cared for?

She remembered when her dad died suddenly at 67 years of age. She had gone to stay with her mom. That night she woke from a deep sleep and saw her dad standing by the bedroom door.  "Daddy!"  she had exclaimed, so overjoyed to see him.  As she reached out to hug him, he said, "Don't touch me.  I just want you to know everything is beautiful."  And then he was gone.  She never forgot that special moment, that assurance, that comfort.

Yes, she thought excitedly.  Death should not be something we fear, but something we anticipate because Jesus promised us eternal life.  We die to this earthly life, but the resurrected eternal life promises to be better.  Knowing Him, worshipping Him, believing Him, surrendering to Him gives us unspeakable promises of joy.

"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people.  God Himself will be with them and be their God.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."  Revelation 21: 3-4.

Easter Sunday, the day of celebrating resurrection, she wanted to raise her hands and shout with laughing eyes and sparkling smile, HE IS RISEN!  YES, RISEN INDEED!  Yes, God's promise kept.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Shout praises to the Lord!

In just a few days she would turn 78!  She could hardly believe it.  Seventy-eight years is a long many many many many people.  Fortunately, the brain cancer had not damaged her mind.  Her mind was vital and sharp.  And the ability to recall details of past memories gave her cause for celebration.  She continued to be amazed at how her brain was healing.

Yes, as she thought over the past four years, the journey was remarkable.  In April of 2010 she had enjoyed a physically active life as a member of Striders, the Holland, MI walking club.  The numerous two and three mile walks throughout the city of Holland were easy and enjoyable jaunts.  Certainly no indication that she was headed for a deadly cancer!

Then following the return to their lake house in Ontario the end of that April, the excitement of catching up with friends kept her busy.  The middle of May she even hosted a dinner party decorating the table with fresh cut tulips from the garden.  Shortly after that, physical problems began to surface.  She was feeling extra tired, had bouts of depression and wondered what was wrong.  Then one day the beginning of June, while planting marigolds in the garden, she fell over and could not manage to stand. Dick ran to her assistance, but she refused to stop gardening until the marigolds were planted!  A few days later she could not get out of the tub after her nightly bath.  She knew something was wrong....but what???

And of course, that absolutely wonderful vision of Jesus the night of May 26, 2010 when He told her "You will be healed BUT in My time frame", caused more bafflement and questioning.  What was going on?

Questions began to be answered on July 8, 2010 when the oncologist gave her shattering news.  "You have a lethal, aggressive cancer in your brain (left thalamus) and you have seven weeks to live."  Yes, that was four years ago, and here she is alive and well and healing!  Wow!  She now wanted to shout praises to God every day!

As she truly assessed her physical condition, she realized there has been a slow, steady progress to regain her pre-cancer physical status.  Back in July, 2010, especially following the brain biopsy (which was required to ascertain correct diagnosis), she could barely speak, could not move her right arm or leg, could not blink her right eye, could not even move her tongue to the right side of her mouth and suffered hearing distortions in her right ear.  Yes, total right side complications!

The healing started within days.  The first miracle was the ability to blink her eye.  She laughed as she remembered the surprised joy of the ophthalmologist when he came into her room prepared to schedule surgery for eye repair and saw firsthand, that she could blink!  He had literally danced and exclaimed, "This is a miracle!"  That announcement gave her encouragement and further assurance that the message from Jesus was coming true.  The next miracle was the announcement by the oncologist in August, 2010 that the MRI was "Glorious"! There was no more sign of cancer...and to date, April of 2014, the MRIs continue to be clear.

Her body keeps healing, keeps improving and now in April of 2014, she is overjoyed at the latest development.  The physiatrist and her physical therapist gave her good news.  She was now taught new exercises to "improve her gait"!  She had now moved to a level of refining her walking ability.  By utilizing a simple technique known as 'rolling', the muscles in her leg were relaxing and strengthening. Dick now used a simple, kitchen tool, a rolling pin (!), to rub up and down the muscles of her right leg (except the hamstrings, where only an upward motion is used due to ankle edema).  At first her muscles were so tender the rolling pin could barely touch the skin.  But as the weeks have gone by, she has been able to endure increasing pressure and.. voila! the leg has been able to function better. She can even use a 'massage roller ball' on her arm which has given astounding results.

Her speech has improved greatly.  She discovered she could even sing a little (but not publicly).  The speaking voice is stronger with less and less impediment.  Amazing!

She is sleeping better, she can roll over in bed with little difficulty, she is using her arm more and more in daily functions.  She is healing!  What was that Jesus had told her on May 26, 2010???
"You will be healed BUT in My own time frame."  For months and months she had struggled with that message...questioning what did it mean?  Was the healing limited to the cancer?  Or did the Lord also promise healing in her arm and leg?

At this point she could not predict how complete that physical healing would be eventually.  All she knew was that healing had never stopped and she had never regressed. What blessings! What miracles! She praised Him daily and wherever she went she would open up conversations to tell others of what God had done.  What a story of grace!  What a story of God's love!  What a story of God's power! Yes, God is good!

The Psalms are filled with praise songs and here is one that fills her heart......

"Praise the Lord.
 Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.
 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.
 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,
 praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute,
 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
 Praise the Lord."           Psalm 150