Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Is our culture filled with truth these days?  Do we hear truth spoken?  Is truth vital for our living?  Do we ourselves speak truth?  Do we believe in truth?

When I was 5 years old and a kindergarten pupil in Roosevelt School, Ridgefield Park, NJ, I remember being very naughty one day.  I punched a classmate, Barbara, in the stomach!  Why?  I have no idea why, but probably my self-centered immature personality decided to do something wrong that day.  Well, Barbara's mom went to the teacher and reported my bad behavior.  Of course, my Mommy found out and she proceeded to question me.  I stood there very scared and totally denied that I had punched anyone. I recall thinking, Mommy thinks I'm such a good girl, I don't want to spoil that thinking.  I struggled with my denial for two days.  Finally, in tears, I confessed my bad deed.  Mommy took me in her arms.  "Janet, thank you for admitting the truth.  I had a feeling you had done that to Barbara, and I'm relieved you have told the truth.  Never forget, Janet, no matter what you've done, always tell the truth."  Those words have stuck in my mind all these 80 years!  Yes, always tell the truth.

Why is truth important?  Who told us truth is important?  When I think about it, I am reminded we all have a conscience, which, according to Webster's dictionary, "tells us the right or wrong of one's acts or motives".  Therefore, do we want to do right, do we want to speak right?  As a citizen of this USA, as a mother of 4 adults, as a church member, as a neighbor and friend, yes, I want to live right, do right, speak right and tell the truth.  Listen to our conscience to tell us right from wrong.

When we don't tell the truth we mislead our constituents, our families, our neighbors and friends to follow down the wrong path.  Truth is magnificently stressed in the Bible because God wants us to tell the truth.  If we love our families, our friends, our neighbors, why would we want to lead them down the wrong direction in living lives and making decisions.

We also want to know when we hear distortions of truth to be able to have the discernment to know they are lies and we will absolutely not accept them.  Following lies, believing lies, will lead us to destruction.  As we live in this fallen world, we must be vigilant to follow the truth.

Where do we find the 'real' truth?  Who is the giver of 'real' truth?  The Bible and God.  Isaiah 45:19b  "I, the Lord, speak the truth, I declare what is right."  John 1: 14. "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.  We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."  2 Timothy 2:15  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Where is truth?  Truth is found by listening to God.