Monday, August 10, 2015

Revival is needed!

This summer on our beloved Sand Lake here in Ontario has been wonderful!  The weather, for the most, has been warm and sunny with enough rain to keep my flowers blooming.  The wild flowers in the fields and on the roadsides have been non-stop, yellow, orange, blue, white.  Made me think of the early settlers who had not planted gardens but were treated to God's amazing gift of natural flowers.  How they must have enjoyed all that color as they walked along the country roads.

I thank the Lord that I have increased energy, more healing in my arm and leg so that I can accomplish household chores like cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming as well as cooking meals and baking yummy desserts.

We've had lots of company...friends from Michigan, New Jersey and locally as well as family (21 here the last week of June - Whew!)  Our grandkids continue to delight and impress us as they range in age from senior in college to second grade!

One project this summer has been sifting and sorting through 'stuff' accumulated over the past 25 years since Dick's retirement!  It's unbelievable how much we save!  As I sifted, I came across an article I had written in September, 2001 which was published in the Canadian papers -Kingston Whig Standard, Brockville Recorder/Times and Westport Review/Mirror.  I share it today with you........

                              Thank you Canada for being a neighbour and friend
     September 11, 2001, a day when the world changed.  A day when we all watched with horror as evil invaded our lives.  A day when our minds could not begin to comprehend the reality unfolding on our television screens.  A day when unspeakable horror pierced not only the lives of thousands from New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C. and Virginia, but also friends and family from every state across America and every country around the world.
     I am an American living on the Rideau Waterway of Canada. As I watched the Day of Remembrance Service from the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., I saw in a corner of my screen the service held at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
     I saw thousands of Canadians weeping for America. I saw our neighbour and friend, the country of Canada, grieving with the United States in our darkest hour.
     Thank you Canada!  Thank you for crying tears with us.  Thank you for feeling our pain.
     Thank you, Canada!  Thank you for always providing a place of retreat as thousands of Americans enjoy your beautiful lakes, rivers and mountains.
     Thank you, Canada!  Thank you for giving us a place of refuge. Your embassy provided a safe haven during the Iranian crisis. Last week your airports harboured our citizens by giving safe landing for our commercial aircraft.
     Yes, thank you, Canada for your quiet, supportive presence.  Thank you for the billboard messages in Brockville, "God Bless America!" "Remember to pray for our U.S. friends!" Thank you for your flags at half mast.
     Our town in New Jersey views the great skyline of New York City. We have lost personal friends in this tragedy. But we have also heard miraculous stories of unbelievable deliverance. The news of over 5,000 deaths is staggering, yet we know through personal contacts with our friends that the death toll could have been upwards of 50,000.
     God is love and love is greater than hate. The fact that thousands ran out of the Twin Towers proves that God was working even in the midst of evil.
     We are now hearing of hatred and suspicion shown to our Muslim neighbours. If we as Americans and Canadians display such hate, then we are no better than the evil terrorists. If love is greater than hate, we must show that love to every neighbour and friend, no matter what their appearance.
     Long ago the apostle John stated, "Little children. love one another."
     We are all children of God. Let us love one another. Through our tears, through our pain, let us hug one another. In our grief let us reach out to touch each other. Only then we will know the love of God.                                                                                               Janet Baird Weisiger   Elgin, Ontario

The anniversary of September 11 is only a month away.  How have we changed?  Is the world a safer place?  Is there peace and tranquility?  Do we trust other countries?  Is our nation in turmoil?

Remember how we reacted immediately after 9/11?  We flocked to our churches.  Attendance soared. We grieved and sought comfort. We were shocked and sought stability.  We were in fear and sought protection.  We were confused and sought leadership.  God was there to answer and God continues to be present with His abiding love.  But where are we now???  Are we ignoring Him? Are we complacently sitting in our comfort zones absorbing all the riches our culture has to give us?

Look at history.  People turn from God and judgment follows.  Time after time.  Ancient history had the Babylonian invasion, then the Roman conquest, and skipping to the 20th Century - the Holocaust. If only we would realize God wants us to turn to Him - rely on Him, trust Him, believe Him and praise Him.

That is why we need REVIVAL!  Scripture puts it so plainly in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Join with me in praying that God will revive our families, communities, nation and our hearts.