Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The appointment was scheduled for 11:00 on Tuesday, September 10.  The biopsy on the lymph node and another CAT scan had been completed on Thursday, September 5.  The care worker drove them to the appointment since Dick was too weak to drive.  Janet sat there in the car, tense, stomach tight.  She struggled to act composed.  She had prayed off and on during the night.  Oh Dick, she thought, I want to be strong for you, whatever the outcome, whatever the news.  Oh God, she prayed, give me strength...I am so weak.

They waited for the oncologist.  And then he entered the room.

"There is no cancer in the lymph node," he stated.

Janet and Dick sat there speechless!  No cancer?  Janet couldn't believe what she was hearing.

The doctor continued.  "An enlarged lymph node can show lots of things going on in your body like a minor infection, so this is nothing to worry about.  The CAT scan at Holland Hospital showed no cancer anyplace in your body.  The testosterone level taken in Syracuse showed 500 but it now measures 10, which is fine.  The PSA is now 3.8, up from 3.7, which is nothing critical. The exhaustion probably was caused by the medication, Nizarole, which you were taking to control the PSA levels.  One side effect can be a decrease in energy.  So, I am prescribing prednisone for you which should increase your energy level.  I'll see you in 3 weeks and I'm sure you'll feel better by then."

What?  NO CANCER anyplace in the body?  But the news the middle of August had been so bad, so hopeless.  They had heard the words 'advanced prostate cancer', 'cancer in the enlarged lymph node', 'you probably have one year to eighteen months to live'.  What happened?  What changed things so drastically?  And remember...all those delays...couldn't understand why.

Was it possible God had indeed given them another MIRACLE?  Did He in all His wisdom and ultimate planning put in place a medical miracle that defied scientific reasoning to show His glory? Were those delays in scheduling and miscommunication between doctors and hospitals allowed in order to prove to family and friends His ultimate authority?

God had already blessed them with a miracle of Janet's survival from lymphoma cancer in the left thalamus which only had a 15% survival rate.  Did God choose them to be blessed with another medical miracle?

Janet thought back on the birth of Glenn, 51 years ago.  After a miscarriage and a full-term stillborn, for which no doctor could give any reason or cause, and wondering and worrying if they would ever have a baby, Glenn their 'miracle baby' was born.  And then they were further blessed with the birth of Beth, Carin and Diana, three healthy beautiful daughters.

Miracles had happened in their lives.  They were blessed.  They knew that God gives miracles to communicate to people His unwavering love and compassion.  They now knew again the euphoria of a MIRACLE!  They were laughing and crying with joy all the way home!  NO CANCER!  They kept repeating the precious, astonishing, incredible words.

At home, it was now lunchtime, Dick said, with enthusiasm, "I'm going to have bacon and eggs! And I'm fixing it myself!"  Proof that his depression had lifted with the unbelievable, ecstatic news!

What a glorious God, Savior and Spirit, who knows all, plans all, and loves all!  Blessed are those who believe in Him!

John 4: 43- 54 is a wonderful testimony of Jesus' healing ministry.  Verse 53 states, "Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, 'Your son will live.' So he and all his household believed."


  1. Goes to show, too, how valuable a second opinion is. Yes, God definitely had a hand in this. I've seen many times in the past years, His work in me. In particular the upcoming first anniversary of having an implanted device that makes me a battery operated husband.

    Looking forward to seeing both of you when you come south


  2. Praise be to God. We had only met you once before, but, we feel as if we've known you so well. Wait until I tell Gerry and the kids, they will be so happy for the both of you. Hope to see you when you come back up to Canada for the summer!

  3. Wonderful news! I am reveling vicariously in your ecstasy. It gives me great faith for things yet to come. Spread the Word!

  4. Praises to God! You must keep telling this wonderful story of a God who still works miracles today! Cheryl Bruce
